2020《Nature Genetics》小麦属全基因组遗传变异

2020《Nature Genetics》小麦属全基因组遗传变异

作者: iBioinformatics | 来源:发表于2023-04-07 14:37 被阅读0次


2020年10月26日,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所鲁非和焦雨铃团队合作在Nature Genetics在线发表了题为Triticum population sequencing provides insights into wheat adaptation的研究论文,该研究对小麦属和粗山羊草属的25个小麦近缘亚种共414份材料进行全基因组测序(图1),构建了小麦属全基因组遗传变异图谱(VMap 1.0)。这些结果表明了小麦作为全球作物的遗传必要性,并为跨物种转移适应性成功以改善作物提供了新的视角。

面包小麦(Triticum aestivum ssp. aestivum)是人类历史上最为成功的作物之一,它起源于新月沃地一个狭小的核心区域。在短短的一万年间,小麦迅速从一个地区性野生植物转变成为全球种植面积最广的作物,在多种多样的环境下为人类提供大量的碳水化合物和蛋白质。充分理解小麦在全球范围内成功适应的遗传机制,是在当前气候变化条件下,小麦遗传育种研究和稳定生产的关键


最近的研究表明,来源于四倍体野生二粒小麦(T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, AABB)的基因渗入,可以增加面包小麦的多样性。然而,受限于小麦属和山羊草属物种分类的复杂性及系统进化关系的模糊性,对基因渗入如何恢复和维持小麦生物多样性的研究还远远不够。另一方面,小麦属植物的进化与人类对其农艺性状的选择息息相关。在小麦属内,发生过两次独立的驯化过程和两次独立的改良过程,即二倍体野生一粒小麦( T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides ,AA)和四倍体野生二粒小麦被独立驯化;四倍体硬粒小麦( T. turgidum ssp. durum,AABB)和六倍体面包小麦分别得到改良。那么,在这些事件中,小麦基因组如何变化以满足相似的人类需求,是否具有一定的趋同适应性特征?了解小麦在跨物种,跨倍性和跨生长区的趋同适应过程,对于研究面包小麦在不同环境中遗传机制至关重要,这对于气候变化背景下的小麦育种有特别的应用价值


1. 小麦属全基因组变异图谱的构建(VMap 1.0)

为了充分展示面包小麦的适应性特征,我们收集了小麦属中二倍体(AA),四倍体(AABB)以及六倍体(AABBDD)的全部物种或亚种,同时也收集了二倍体粗山羊草(DD),构建了小麦属全基因组遗传变异图谱(VMap 1.0)。该群体共包括来源于小麦属和山羊草属的25个亚种共414份材料。这些样品具有广泛的生物类群,地理分布,气候带和倍性水平


Fig. 1: The worldwide collection of wheat accessions.

a, The geographic distribution of all accessions. The red, purple, green, brown, cyan and gray dots represent accessions from West Asia, Africa, Europe, East Asia, South and Central Asia, and America.
b, The accessions used for the selection scan of the wheat domestication events. Wild einkorn, domesticated einkorn, wild emmer and domesticated emmer are color-coded.
c, The accessions used for the selection scan of the wheat improvement events. Domesticated emmer, durum, and landrace and cultivar of bread wheat are color-coded. The maps were created using the R package OpenStreetMap.

由于收集的群体中包括二倍体,四倍体以及六倍体不同倍性的物种,我们首先在不同倍性的群体中完成SNP calling,之后对不同倍性内的标记利用质量值,测序深度,相邻标记之间的连锁情况等参数进行过滤。考虑到含有相同染色体的不同个体间差异较大,我们只保留了具有共线性特征的SNPs。经过严格过滤后,我们最后得到了一共约1亿零4百万的SNPs。目前该遗传变异图谱(VMap 1.0)已经上传至公共数据库中( GVM 数据库(https://bigd.big.ac.cn/gvm)登记编号:GVM000082)。

2. 可靠的小麦属进化关系是研究适应性进化的基础

我们分别对A lineage (即包括A亚基因组的所有个体,下同), AB lineage和D lineage 的系统发生关系, PCA以及祖先系数等群体结构特征进行了分析

A lineage的分析显示四倍体小麦中的野生二粒小麦是其他四倍体和六倍体小麦的祖先,因此使用野生二粒小麦作为AB lineage的系统发生树的外类群可以获得更多的信息位点

AB lineage的拓扑结构显示,在四倍体小麦在驯化过程中,首先是野生二粒小麦被驯化为栽培二粒小麦,然后再继续被驯化为裸粒四倍体小麦。裸粒四倍体小麦距离面包小麦最近,我们推测面包小麦的四倍体供体小麦是裸粒四倍体小麦中的某一个或几个亚种(图2)。

通过D lineage的系统发生树,我们发现六倍中的印度圆粒小麦主要聚在六倍体小麦亚群的基部,这为我们的后续分析分析提供了非常好的材料。

Fig. 2: Phylogenetic relationship of Triticum species.

a, The phylogeny of the A lineage with barley as the outgroup. The rose-colored part is featured in b.
b, The phylogeny of the AB lineages with wild emmer as the outgroup.
c, Ancestry coefficient analysis of the AB lineages with K = 5. Detailed information for the accessions is shown at the top and bottom.
d, The phylogeny of the D lineage with barley as the outgroup. Clades with bootstrap values less than 50 were collapsed.
e, The phylogeny of the D lineage with strangulata as the outgroup. Clades with bootstrap values less than 50 were collapsed.

For a, b, d and e, the tip colors of the phylogeny are the sampling regions of each accession, while the branch colors are the ploidy levels. Branches with reliable bootstrap values (>50) are labeled with a purple pentagram at the corresponding nodes. The numbers represent species/subspecies from 1 to 25. WA, West Asia; SCA, South and Central Asia; EA, East Asia; AF, Africa; EU, Europe; AM, America.

3. 小麦属和山羊草属不同亚种的遗传多样性

我们对面包小麦及其野生近缘种的核苷酸多样性进行调查,发现伴随着驯化和多倍化,小麦的遗传多样性都有不同程度的下降,栽培二粒小麦具有来自野生二粒小麦的73%的核苷酸多样性,而栽培一粒的核苷酸多样性约为野生一粒的56%。在六倍体小麦中,不同亚基因组的遗传多样性具有明显差异,具体表现为:πB > πAπD。面包小麦中πD的极低水平可以用六倍体形成时的严重瓶颈效应解释,在六倍体D基因组祖先粗山羊草(Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata, DD)中观察到的核苷酸多样性是面包小麦D亚基因中的7倍。相比之下,相同的瓶颈似乎对面包小麦AB亚基因组的遗传多样性影响较小,AB亚基因组核苷酸多样性约为裸粒四倍体小麦的77%。这种巨大的差异需要深入研究(图3)。

Genetic diversity of subspecies in the genera Triticum and Aegilops.小麦属和山羊草属的遗传多样性

a, The nucleotide diversity of all taxa by A, B and D subgenomes. The middle line indicates the median value.
b, A nucleotide diversity comparison between landrace and Indian dwarf wheat. The green lines represent bread wheat and the orange lines represent Indian dwarf wheat.

4. 面包小麦中的外源基因渗入


我们使用ABBA-BABA模型对不同亚种对六倍体的基因渗入进行了详细研究。之前提到,在印度圆粒小麦中,D亚基因与A,B亚基因组核苷酸多样性相互之间差异较小。且印度圆粒小麦主要聚在六倍体小麦亚群的基部,说明印度圆粒小麦更接近于六倍体小麦形成之初的状态。因此我们使用印度圆粒小麦,做为研究面包小麦基因渗入析的参考群体。在群体水平上研究发现。二倍体乌拉尔图小麦,四倍体小麦的不同亚种和粗山羊草都对面包小麦有一定的基因组渗入。例如,我们检测发现2A染色体164 Mb – 540 Mb的区间,是来源于裸粒四倍体的基因渗入。为了更加精细研究渗入片段的特征,我们从个体水平对面包小麦的基因渗入进行了研究。研究发现,面包小麦中有3.82%到32.08%的片段来源于不同来源的基因渗入。而渗入片段主要来源于四倍体小麦,二倍体小麦所占比例较小。四倍体小麦中基因渗入最广泛的供体是裸粒四倍体小麦,贡献了全部渗入片段的64.78%(图4)。

图4. 面包小麦中的外源基因渗入的组成及多少 Composite introgression of Triticum species into bread wheat

a, The four-taxon topology used for modeling introgression in ABBA–BABA tests.
b, The phylogenetic topology used for inferring introgression to landraces. Landraces were used as the recipient population (P2).
c, Testing gene flow from donor populations to bread wheat using Indian dwarf wheat as P1. The asterisk means that gene flow (as indicated by fd) from a specific donor is significantly higher than from wild einkorn (one-tailed t-test, P < 0.01).
d, Introgression from donor populations to landraces across chromosome 2A.
e, The relationship between nucleotide diversity (π) and introgression (fd).
f, The PGI from donor populations to individual landraces.
g, PGI of landraces from different donor populations. Relative PGI represents the percentage of introgression from one population relative to PGI of individual landraces.

5. 小麦近缘种对面包小麦的复合基因渗入的时空特征


图5. 小麦近缘种对面包小麦的复合基因渗入的时空特征 Spatiotemporal dynamics of introgression in bread wheat.

a, A geographic projection of the level of introgression across landraces. The levels of introgression from the AB subgenomes (top) and the D subgenome (bottom) are mapped separately. The maps were created using the R package rworldmap.
b, The PGI from donor populations to landraces of different geographic regions.
c, The distribution of introgression tract size by donor populations.

6. 小麦遗传多样性变化及补偿模型

基因渗入会带来核苷酸多样性的增加。相比于较少发生渗入的区域,频繁发生渗入的基因组区域核苷酸多样性要高2.7倍。由于四倍体小麦的基因渗入较多,因此面包小麦的遗传多样性在很大程度上由来自多个四倍体类群的复合基因流所补偿,包括裸粒的四倍体(free-threshing tetraploids),驯化的二粒小麦(domesticated emmer)和野生的二粒小麦(wild emmer)。D基因的祖先粗山羊草(Strangulata)对面包小麦的渗入较少,这造成了面包小麦中AB亚基因的遗传多样性远大于D基因组。

因此,我们发现与其他作物不同,在普通小麦在进化过程中,既有多倍体化,驯化和遗传改良等严重的遗传瓶颈,降低面包小麦的遗传多样性;也有大量的四倍体小麦向普通小麦的基因渗入增加面包小麦的遗传多样性。最终结果是使面包小麦在适应了广泛环境的同时,A,B和D亚基因组具有不同的遗传多样性(图6 )。

图6. 小麦属主要亚种遗传多样性变化及面包小麦遗传多样性恢复的模型 The shift of genetic diversity of Triticum species.

The upper layer represents the wild species/subspecies, the middle layer represents domesticated species/subspecies and the bottom layer represents improved species/subspecies.

  • The circles in a box represent the nucleotide diversity of a taxon with A, B and D subgenomes represented by blue, green and yellow, respectively.
  • The arrows refer to introgression from tetraploid wheats to landrace.
  • The percentage of genetic diversity preserved in descendants is indicated in circles.

7. 麦属内以及禾本科作物间的趋同进化现象


在二倍体和四倍体的驯化过程中,分别检测出3,105 和16,141个选择位点,其中有15%的位点在两个独立的驯化过程中都受到选择,我们发现在共同选择区域中一共包括312个基因,显著高于随机情况(P = 0.047)。共同受到选择的基因相对于随机条件下产生了2~16倍的富集且选择信号越强,越容易受到趋同选择。在遗传改良过程中,也发现了类似的现象。


图7. 人工选择使小麦在全基因组水平上产生了趋同进化的特征 Convergent adaptation of wheats to human selection.

a,b, Models of the domestication (a) and improvement (b) processes. Human selection acting on the different types of plant may result in similar phenotypes. MRCA, most recent common ancestor.
c, Selective sweeps on chromosome 1A of the paired domestication events. Top: wild einkorn versus domesticated einkorn. Bottom: wild emmer versus domesticated emmer.
d, Selective sweeps on chromosome 1A of the paired improvement events. Top: domesticated emmer versus durum. Bottom: landrace versus cultivar. The top 20 signals with coexisting sweeps within 2-Mb intervals in corresponding selection events are labeled with red stars.
e,f, Jointly selected genes in the paired selection events. Several cloned agronomically relevant genes are labeled. The Venn diagrams show the number of jointly selected genes. The numbers in black are the observed numbers under selection, and the numbers in red are the expected numbers under permutation test conditions.
g,h, Enrichment for adaptive convergence under different thresholds of XP-CLR scores of the paired selection events. The circle size represents the number of jointly selected genes and the circle color represents the significance level.
i,j, Genes in selective sweeps of other crops and cloned agronomically relevant genes are enriched for selected genes in the paired selection events of wheats. The P values represent the significance of the chi-squared test. The value for the degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test is 3. Dashed lines in c and d refer to the top the 5% threshold of selective sweeps. Error bars in i and j represent the standard errors of the enrichment resulting from resampling 75% of wheat orthologs 1,000 times.


我们对小麦属和粗山羊草属的25个小麦近缘亚种共414份材料进行全基因组测序,构建了小麦属全基因组遗传变异图谱(VMap 1.0)。







      本文标题:2020《Nature Genetics》小麦属全基因组遗传变异
