Joy of life.

作者: JWChristine | 来源:发表于2017-08-07 16:09 被阅读23次

    Joy of life.

    Feel I want to share with you things that I found good to have in life.
    Nothing is about you should do it. NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!

    No one is the same, you are you, you are the captain of your life. You choose to do what you feel good about/right. It’s my experience/sharing, get inspired, and think about what are the things you value.

    I have found my life full of joy, love, freedom, abundance, alive(adventure), courage etc. (no wander I like RPG _) and I want to share with you about what I have found. —— it is saying you are great at your current state, when I say “share or improve”, nothing is about you are bad or not good in the current of you, nothing is about the future of you is better than now. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!! Remember, right now is the best! right now is the power. NOW HERE you can choose to do all different ways to ajust the dirction towards the future! (now here is like no where, funny right? :) )

    Guess to share love and joy is always wanderfull! Right? _
    If everything I say you already known, that’s great, if you don’t know, that’s nothing wrong. if you disagree—totally your choice.

    I try to explain it in a neutral way.
    There are something, currently I am doing/done/learning etc.

    1. Value time.
    2. Experience is more important. (Do what you love and do it often.)
    3. Personal Finance (money)
    4. Relationship


    I try to reduce things I have to do. I say NO when someone invite me a boring activity , or I just don’t feel like going.
    I choose to spent time on things I like to do, people I like to be with. I value my time, cuz I want to build my memory full of joy.


    Joy to me, is abundance(not rich). is alive(uncertainty, adventure, danger, opposite of safe / security -save tons of money etc).
    Joy to me is love and freedom.
    And joy to me is the most important things in my life. a joy of life, not full of stuff and forever safe in a big house of boring life (or at least to me that’s boring. )
    they are my principles. everything builds from them.

    Time and experience are kind of together.

    Time means I look everything in a way that is “life time plan”(whenever I make a decision, it is always look into long turn). cuz time builds experience, I value time= I value experience. experience of playing games, play a b c d e ,, play = joy.

    Here are some examples about my decision after those principles:

    I seek adventure, and danger, that’s whyI value them more than fancy cars or luxury apartments/houses, expensive hand bag and shoes etc.
    If life is security and safe, it’s not alive, it’s dead.
    I don’t save money for saving it, I save it for being able to use it in a long turn and doing things full of joy.

    When you are at a stage that many of your friends are earning hell of money, will you be the type of ppl chase money and power? do you want to jealousy about that? Or you prefer to do things you love and fun? you understand that it is a different preference from yours?
    Well, you know my answer.

    I am building my life plan with experience I want to have.


    It’s a very important subject but some people don’t talk about it.
    Money has it’s power, yes it is . no matter how much I love adventure, money is necessary to have for sure.
    I need money because I have so much joy and fun to do in life that requires some money.
    Hate money can not bring me to anywhere. Love money but don’t attach to it. Use it. I save it because I want to use them in a long turn way..
    I am learning to change my mindset from need money to love enough money. (greedy like mostly ppl, they believe more and more money is always the best)

    Passive income

    I am learning how to save money and how to get more passive income in the long run.
    So that when kuki retired , we have still income every month to support our interests. (Not just spend from savings which will reduce from inflation every year.) is the website I use to get inspiration to encourage myself. and I do find ppl in reality who live with passive income and retire young.

    I love interior design and deco, we choose a bit bigger apartment cuz I want to do Airbnb, to rent it out when we travel. We can not do the same like Siswanto. Leave the space empty will also be a waste of money. so we come up a solution by getting more experience on doing so. (principle : doing what I love and do it often in the mean time, trying to earn money from what I love to do) like this I can keep enjoy clean and deco the room,.and rent to ppl to use it when we travel to other place, (look in the long turn we are sure we will be going outside of China more often.)

    If you think you need to know it for your long run. ask me anytime.

    How I started:

    At first I read many books about basic finance, business fundamentals , what is stock/ fund/ , what is short. etc etc. read about some business magazine to see how world is running. passive income, how to generate more money from my interests (not from what others is doing or what is value in the current time frame of the society )

    Way of thinking on money!!

    Abundance and adventure of life. abundance has a purpose to serve my adventure.The thing is I want money to support me to do what I like to do.
    e.g.: Piano, Go carting, is more luxury interests, it coast a lot of money. I don’t love money for having fancy things or show off, which is ego’s love.

    Save money!

    1. I buy H&M Uniqlo etc etc. I will not waste money on 10k to buy a hand bag, that’s my choice. and I feel good about it.
    2. 29rmb for 3-4kg of flour, can make 20 bread. (something like that)
    3. 2k-2.5k /month - 1.5k/month (organize vegetables coast a bit higher price)

    I love to eat, but I don’t want to spent too much money and time

    1. eat out with higher price (2 person with good quality food, even more higher than
    2. eat home can feel rooted with own flavor of food.
    3. eat cheap can save money but not a joy of life. (some other country like Japan Singapore they have good street food but china , they put many MSG, and I cough.)
      etc etc…..
      to be able to “save money and time” but eat good, it is going to coast me a lot time on learning it, but look into my life time. to have this skill will benefit a lot more than the time I have to spent from the beginning.
    1. We have a budget on spending on hangouts. try to keep some fun but not over spend.

    You can find online, books, classes about many budget life, earn more passive income etc etc, if you feel tight on money. or even if you find a job in Germany , to be able to make your earnings become more than inflation eats, is still a good skill to have.

    Learn more ways to earn more. learn how to build our finance setup. so that kuki can feel he do the work is for fun not for “have to”.
    fun = freedom have to = no freedom. you are the captain of your ship. that is freedom.

    again, I am sharing what I have learned, they are not the best way, there is no best way, there is many ways, and some are suit to you. I am still learning to be more openminded to see what others doing outside, what other options there, etc etc.
    What you value and what you feel like doing is the key.


    I find ppl live in a van and travel all the time. and making some passive income to support their lifestyle. I also see ppl teach online classes to inspire ppl from things they know. (you can teach ppl how to coding)
    you can learn so much at your state, and use it to build your life style. like teach online, or doing some online coding project, like that if you can build your portfolio through out online you can do it anywhere , you can earn money when you travel. and you can save the money and make it gain more than the inflation . so you can be free on doing what you love with no pressure. You can still work in Germany but get more paid, through those passive income. It’s an option. You can use your time in many many ways to build your life full of your favorite things.

    There is no problems there is only solutions.

    It depends on your interest, do you like travel? do you like to work remote? or you have something you like to do that need to stay in one place?
    Be creative, I like gardening , I thought gardening need to stay on one land, then I saw ppl use a bus turn into a “garden haven”, grow vegetables inside of it.
    Everything is possible, you just need to think about it.

    I like piano, I like to cook different food, so it is hard to just live in a van and travel around. I guess I would love to try this van life, but not forever.

    Build your own principles,

    Joy to me equals peace, equals adventure, adventure to me is uncertenty and danger bring me alive and I feel full of joy when I see the nature.

    Tomorrow will never come. yesterday already gone,

    Clock clicks, it tells you past and future time, but you can’t tell what is the time right now. At this moment when you want to say it, it pasted away. right? Fun fact and I love it.
    We live in a life time create thought, thought create into matter.
    Things builds through our experience.
    Money will be gone when we die. but experience we gain will be with us. I care about the experience of creating money in my life. I always ask myself, what experience I want to have in my life?


    LOVE is much much more powerful than hate, jealous, angry, mad, etc etc.
    The more you build your love of life, the more you understand what kind of person you like to be with.

    Although I met kuki in a bar, which sounds like we were party.

    That was a raining day, I decided to go to a sports bar,
    few reasons why I choose that:

    1. eat with good food (I am hungry and I like to eat)
    2. they have pool table (play)
    3. get inspire from, ( for my own restaurant and bar /business/finance)
    4. walking distance (raining day, hard to find taxi, easy)

    for kuki, he was going there for a drink with his friend.
    This whole choice was made through what we like to do.
    then we met in there.
    It sounds like fate or destiny , but it is because we choose what we like to do.

    To find your true love, the best way is to find out what you love to do and do it as often as you can. A healthy relationship is bring each other joy, make life better and better everyday. Feel growth.
    You have so much to enjoy before that person come into your life. So much fun to build your lovely life with your favorite things. You can singing, and drawing, doing a lot coding, playing games, have fun with lots of lots of things. Learn many way to travel for free if you like to travel . (I found a free class on udemy called how to travel around the world for free etc etc) or maybe the job in Germany will give you a lot holidays, who knows. but first you need to set the goal say you want to have free time to travel. (There is no problems there is only solutions)

    You can start to find your true love by find and build things your love, one day when you forget all this, the right one will walk to you. (I like this way)

    I find love inside of me, and I find joy of my life. I have so much joy that I like to share with ppl, with no hide. I tell you how I find money is important with no hide. mostly ppl will hide their secret of how they earn money. or hide their skills. I don’t, I like to share.
    Be openminded, see the difference of life. and find your life style.
    As much as I like to share, ppl need to be open to see different things. and be openminded to see the difference.

    I use to like coding, but I never really did that. so maybe you can teach ppl to do coding. and inspire ppl.( is what I found) I am learning many things from this website. there are ppl teach coding as well. if you have some knowledge to share, or your way is a different way to inspire ppl, your way has a different point of view on coding. Put your teaching video online, many ppl will learn from it. even if it is just 10 euro. times 1000000 it is a lot. right?~ this is just one kind of passive income.
    It’s just an example, the more you love money the more money can come to you with no hard work. (do what you love and do it ofter _)

    Find things you value in your life and get inspire from ppl around the world and build your own life style.


    I like yoga, and meditation, it helps me to focus on the inside of me.
    I try to balance in between the outer world and the inside of me. So one part of me focus on reality another part of me focus more of a spiritual way.
    The more I love myself, the more I am strong to share my love to everyone.
    Calm isn’t against adventure, do sports to me is another way of meditation. (that’s how sports create happiness , it gives you a time to be with yourself) I love to be with myself. and most of the time I am still learning of being with myself.

    Keep asking myself what possible I can have and I like to choose. what I can do right now to make myself closer to that.” I encourage my daily life to do everything I love to do because in the future I will do what I love everyday the same like right now ,just improve the daily joy things more and more.


    As you look at your self in a long life time, ask what would you do if you were alone if no one in your life would gain or lose from what you did, would it change your choice? What would you do for yourself? What bring you peace and joy? What if society did not exist or had absolutely different values- would you still love what you are doing?

    What do you value in yourself? How do you want to feel? Stop for a moment and ask, what feelings do I want? Keep this feelings adjust upward to a higher and brighter purpose.
    The life gives you an opportunity to live joyfully. What ever you achieve by the time you die ins your.

    You learn and grow everything .

    Everything you have from here on out can be created at this moment, and it can be created differently, you do not need to know specifically what you will do today or the next day. you can start by believing that you do have a purpose, a concrete purpose, and you can begin by asking it to unfold for you.

    What do you value your daily life?

    The new home, the finished project, is not the goal of the growth. The proces by which you create these things and the growth it gives you —— the new skills you acquire, the insights, the opening of your heart when you love, the new appreciation for beauty your garden gives you when flowers or crops come up, the feelings you have when you finish a project, the focus and concentration.



        本文标题:Joy of life.
