Rhyme: Repetition of the same sound in two words, usually at the end of a line. 押韵
Rhyme scheme: The arrangement and pattern of rhymes in a poem, e.g. which lines rhyme, generally noted by letters of alphabet. 举例:ABAB CDCD EFEF - alternate rhyme / sonnet; AABBCCDDEEFF - rhyming couplets
Stanza/Verse: A group of lines of a poem, usually separated from other stanzas by a space. 隔开两个段落的空行
Meter: The rhythmic pattern of a line, divided into stressed and unstressed syllables. 下划线
Symbol/Motif: An object, animal, or event that the writer has attached significance and meaning to. 用典
Simile: Something described by comparing it to a different object or thing, using 'as' or 'like'. 明喻
Metaphor: Something described as a different object or thing otherwise unrelated. 暗喻
Alliteration: Repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of words placed near each other. 双声
Imagery: The poet's use of description and vivid, sensory language. 诗中有画,画中有诗
Refrain: A word or phrase repeated throughout a poem. 线索
Caesura: A rhythmical pause in a line. It often occurs in the middle of a line. 举例:Then there's a pair of us - don't tell!
Rhetorical question: A question asked not for an answer from a responder, but either to make a point or to emphasize an issue. 反问&设问
Repetition: The re-using of words for effect. 反复
Irony: Expressing something different to, or especially the opposite of, the obvious meaning. 反讽
Hyperbole (Exaggeration): A statement or claim of exaggeration. 夸张