
作者: 只有一半影子的人 | 来源:发表于2019-11-15 14:20 被阅读0次



Who actually saw loneliness? Who knows how it looks like? We all know how death looks like. A skeleton covered in a black cloak with a scythe in his hand although no one alive has ever seen it. But what about loneliness? You can meet loneliness anywhere. She comes uninvited and stays for as long as she wants, but still no one knows how she looks like. How do you recognize loneliness? Do you know? Because I do. I saw her. She talked to me. Quite a pretty girl with a pleasant seductive smile, which gradually and imperceptibly takes possession of your heart and soul. With blue, transparent innocent eyes she told me about the benefits of friendship with her and honestly sometimes I found logic in her words and believed her.

She said that family ties suck energy out of you leaving no room for all-round development of your personality, and love turns off sanity and mind and you become absolutely defenseless, like a clam without its shell. Sometimes as she spoke she would push her straight, dark-brown hair back from her shoulders which showed her pale and translucent face as the rest of her body. She was wearing a light grey unsubstantial dress with gold wavy lines that painted this dress as the veins and arteries of the human body. Beautiful! Although I had to leave her because I wasn’t alone. I had Paris.

Part 2

  Yes, exactly the Paris that has driven crazy so many bright minds. My love, you have been loved more than once and in different ways, but you should know that I did not have love at first sight, and you had to work hard to win my heart. So I want to tell everyone about our time spent together.We met on my 30th birthday and it was April 2012...

I have to say that Paris was not the city that I wanted to visit the most. All I was interested in at that time was the Louvre, but I just wanted to note on the map of my brain that I had already been here. The spring of that year was late and cold and I remember the piercing wind that paralyzed the movements and even the brain.

Yes, my love, you met me quite chilly to my surprise. Without hugs, greetings and famous french "bisous" (kisses).

Therefore, leaving Paris I felt upset, because still somewhere deep down I was hoping to find something for which thousands of tourists visit this city. When I got home I noticed that as time went on I began to think of Paris more and more often. Blurry memories surfaced in my mind, leaving a pleasant feeling.

I understand dear, that you were calling me back. You were thinking about me as much as I did. Something connected us, but I didn’t know what yet. You waited 4 long years for me before I came back... 

The second time when I was planning a trip I already knew that Paris is not just a city with historical buildings, it is the history and events being described in literature that brought up my inner attitude, and helped to understand myself on the samples of artistic images and literary heroes.

Unfortunately during our second meeting I couldn't totally focus on us through certain family problems and past relationships, but if it wasn't you there darling, I think it would be harder for me to get past that.

It was during our second meeting that our first kiss happened. It happened on the Seine not far from Notre Dame Cathedral. After long walks that day and heavy thoughts I came there to be alone with you. I looked at the river which as a mirror reflected the colors of the sunset. The boats were passing by and the lights from the windows and cafes on the other river bank were replacing the sunlight. I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes to focus on the moment. First I felt your hugs, in which the muscles of my body relaxed more and more. I felt the warm, moist breath from your lips as they came closer for a kiss...

It was only a moment dear, but a moment was enough to know that we were made for each other and that no one could replace you in my heart. I know that I will always come back to you wherever I am, because everyone comes back to where they’re loved and wanted. This is you, my Paris. The one who waits and loves. You are mine...to be continued


















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