SQL练习_5 | 7 | SQLZOO_20191015

SQL练习_5 | 7 | SQLZOO_20191015

作者: XDuan | 来源:发表于2019-11-20 23:49 被阅读0次


    题目来源 - SQLZOO

    SQL练习_1 | 0,1,2 | SQLZOO_20191002
    SQL练习_2 | 3 | SQLZOO_20191008
    SQL练习_3 | 4,5 | SQLZOO_20191010
    SQL练习_4 | 6 | SQLZOO_20191012

    7 More JOIN Operations

    7 More JOIN Operations


    查询表格_movie, actor, casting

    7_1 List the films where the yr is 1962 [Show id, title]

    SELECT id,
    FROM movie
    WHERE yr = 1962

    7_2 Give year of 'Citizen Kane'.

    SELECT yr
    FROM movie
    WHERE title = 'Citizen Kane'

    7_3 List all of the Star Trek movies, include the id, title and yr (all of these movies include the words Star Trek in the title). Order results by year.

    SELECT id,
    FROM movie
    WHERE title LIKE '%Star Trek%'
    ORDER BY yr

    7_4 What id number does the actor 'Glenn Close' have?

    SELECT id
    FROM actor
    WHERE name = 'Glenn Close'

    7_5 What is the id of the film 'Casablanca'

    SELECT id
    FROM movie
    WHERE title = 'Casablanca'

    7_6 Obtain the cast list for 'Casablanca'. What is a cast list?

    Use movieid=11768, (or whatever value you got from the previous question)

    SELECT name
    FROM casting a
      JOIN actor b ON b.id = a.actorid
    WHERE a.movieid = 11768

    7_7 Obtain the cast list for the film 'Alien'

    SELECT name
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE a.title = 'Alien'

    7_8 List the films in which 'Harrison Ford' has appeared

    SELECT a.title
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE c.name = 'Harrison Ford'

    7_9 List the films where 'Harrison Ford' has appeared - but not in the starring role. [Note: the ord field of casting gives the position of the actor. If ord=1 then this actor is in the starring role]

    SELECT a.title
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE c.name = 'Harrison Ford'
    AND   b.ord <> 1

    7_10 List the films together with the leading star for all 1962 films.

    SELECT a.title,
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE a.yr = '1962'
    AND   ord = 1

    7_11 Which were the busiest years for 'Rock Hudson', show the year and the number of movies he made each year for any year in which he made more than 2 movies.

    SELECT a.yr,
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE name = 'Rock Hudson'
    GROUP BY yr
    HAVING COUNT(title) > 2

    7_12 List the film title and the leading actor for all of the films 'Julie Andrews' played in.

    SELECT a.title,
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE a.id IN (SELECT a.id
                   FROM movie a
                     JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
                     JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
                   WHERE c.name = 'Julie Andrews')
    AND   b.ord = 1

    7_13 Obtain a list, in alphabetical order, of actors who've had at least 30 starring roles.

    SELECT c.name
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE b.ord = 1
    GROUP BY c.name
    HAVING COUNT(a.title) >= 30
    ORDER BY c.name ASC

    7_14 List the films released in the year 1978 ordered by the number of actors in the cast, then by title.

    SELECT a.title,
    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE a.yr = '1978'
    GROUP BY a.title
    ORDER BY COUNT(c.name) DESC,

    7_15 List all the people who have worked with 'Art Garfunkel'.

    FROM movie a
      JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
      JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
    WHERE a.id IN (SELECT a.id
                   FROM movie a
                     JOIN casting b ON a.id = b.movieid
                     JOIN actor c ON b.actorid = c.id
                   WHERE c.name = 'Art Garfunkel')
    AND   c.name <> 'Art Garfunkel'



          本文标题:SQL练习_5 | 7 | SQLZOO_20191015
