
作者: 悟空金月饺子 | 来源:发表于2018-07-02 13:15 被阅读18次


    [Strings 2018 ]今年在日本的冲绳举办。在最后的Panel discussion上,David Gross 收集了当下人们最关心的关于弦论的问题。

    1. 在没有实验观测的支持下,弦论还能存活多久?到达什么程度的时候,弦论会变成数学?
    2. 如果 de sitter(正曲率) 空间(目前观测到的我们宇宙)不能和弦论协调或是超对称被实验证伪,弦论还能不能还作为物理理论?
    3. 在未来的50年,会有由弦论得到的具有诺贝尔奖级别的结果吗?
    4. 弦论已经放弃标准模型了吗?
    5. 何时还要在什么领域,我们才能得到对弦论真正的证实,宇宙学还是粒子物理?
    6. 弦论比50年前更接近被证实了吗?
    7. 一个可以被实验证实的与场论不等价的弦论模型是什么样的?
    8. 有几成的弦论学家已经放弃用弦论来解释标准模型和宇宙观察?
    9. 如果超对称没有观测到,我们应该怎么办?我们还会相信,弦论是万物之理吗?

    1.How long can string theory survive without experimental verification? At what point does it become mathematics?
    2.Can string theory survive as a theory of the physical world if de Sitter space can’t be accommodated and supersymmetry ruled out?
    3.In the next fifty years do you expect any physically relevant result (i.e. worthy of a Nobel Prize) to come out of string theory?
    4.Has string theory given up on particle physics? [Gross:”no names attached” (laughter)]
    5.When and where do you foresee a real confirmation of string theory in particle physics or cosmology (other than the existence of gravitons)?
    In what area of physics do you expect the first observation of string theory?
    6.Do you think string theory is closer to phenomenology than 50 years ago?
    7.What could be a prediction of stringy models that can be verified in the lab and it cannot be an effective field theory model that gives you the same prediction?
    8.How much of the string community has given up on the goal of connecting string theory to the standard model and observational cosmology?
    9.Susy isn’t observed, what should we do? Is it okay to believe that string theory is still the theory of everything?



