

作者: JennyJiang_8991 | 来源:发表于2017-11-18 19:12 被阅读0次

1. China and Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution on February 4 that would have backed an Arab League proposal for the Syrian president to step down.



注:resolution 在字典中的意思是 a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote.

proposal 在字典中的意思是 a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it.

step down: If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.

分析:政治时事的国际新闻中常常遇到的 resolution 一词有4个词义:一是“解决”,二是“提案”或“议案”,三是“决议案”(英文有时用 draft resolution),四是“决议”。有的译者常常将“决议案”和“决议”混淆起来,因而造成译文错误。我在牛津字典中查 resolution 这个词只有上面我注中的意思和“解决,消除”两个意思,所以我觉得另两个意思应该要通过语境和逻辑来判断。

2. China has created a far more efficient and productive model for a developing economy.”



分析:productive 有两个意思,一是 making goods or growing crops, especially in large quantities,二是 doing or achieving a lot, 在经济发展领域翻成“生产率高”更具体准确。

3. Since 1990, China’s GDP per capita has grown three times faster than India’s; it had attracted $336 BN in foreign investment in the 20 years to 2000, compared with India’s 18 BN; and in 1990s its manufacturing sector expanded at a rate of 12 percent a year, double the increase in India.”



分析:关于 A is n times 比较级 than B 这种句型的翻译,我查了一下在中西方都是有争议的,甚至还有相关的论文。不过由于中西思维方式的不同,在大多数英文语境中该句型表达的意思就是A是B的n倍,不用做加减法。

4. The driver’s carelessness was responsible for the car accident.



5. The tourists accepted the pleasures of moon night.




6. I realize that it is quite the approach these days to suggest that we either ought to look at our foreign policy and put that as priority number 1, in other words, the security of America must come first or we must put our priority on domestic problem and turn away from the problem in the world.




1. a method of doing something or dealing with a problem

2. a request from someone, asking you to do something for them 接洽、要求

3. the approach of a particular time of event is the fact that it is getting closer

4. movement towards or near to sth

5. a road, path etc that leads to a piece, and is the main way of reaching it

6. the final part of a plane’s flight, before it lands at an airport

7. a thing that is like sth else that is mentioned

分析:我又查了一下牛津字典,发现意思1中还有一层意思是 a way of doing or

thinking about sth such as a problem or a task,即待人接物或思考问题的方式、方法、态度。这句话和第8题应该都选取的是这个意思,然后进行了相应的意译。然后 either...or... 指的是“要么…要么…”,两者取其一。

7. In the first stage, there were Soviet approaches on the level of military attaché to military attaché in several capitals---Tokyo and Canberra were two of the capitals selected. The approaches followed the usual outwardly casual pattern: “Wouldn’t it be a good idea?”


分析:我觉得我这句翻得和答案差不多。这一句中的 approach 应该取的是第二个意思,所以我觉得翻成“接洽”比“接触”好。但最后一句我不是很懂?我看答案的最后一句也说得不是很清楚。

8. Kissinger’s approach, at least at the beginning, was more long-range, more global.



疑问:我在字典中查 global 有两个意思,一是 covering or affecting the whole world 的意思,二是 considering or including all the parts of a problem or situation. 这里我觉得第二个意思更贴切,指基辛格很具有大局观,能够考虑到全局。

9. If a supplier country stops shipments for political reasons, the recipient country had the right to ask for nuclear fuel from the bank that is established on Russian soil.



分析:注意 bank 除了“银行”还有 a place where human blood etc is stored until someone needs it 的意思,即“……库”。这句中的 bank 应该就是这个意思。


(WIKIPEDIA)A nuclear fuel bank is reserve of low enriched uranium (LEU) for countries that need a backup source of LEU to fuel their nuclear reactors. Countries that do have enrichment technology would donate enriched fuel to a "bank", from which countries not possessing enrichment technology would obtain fuel for their power reactors.




