2019-02-02 Flowers of Algernon

2019-02-02 Flowers of Algernon

作者: WonderShine | 来源:发表于2019-02-02 21:36 被阅读0次

2019年2月2日,读完Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, ISBN 9781407230030,难度840L,阅读量82,873词。本书作者1959年出版了同名的中篇,1960年获得雨果奖;后改编为长篇,并获得1966年星云奖。读这本书的感觉有点像是读郝景芳的《北京折叠》,两者都并非是绝对硬核的科幻,更多地反映了对人性、家庭和社会方面的问题的思考。我读的这个平装版本是Orion出版集团旗下的Gollancz出版社的SF Masterworks(科幻名著)系列之一,图书本身内容给5分,此书的封面装帧也给5分,不过印刷不敢恭维,好像是多年前某版本的重印本,有些地方不是特别清晰,给4分吧。


Algernon as a boys' name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Algernon is "wearing a mustache". The Normans were usually clean-shaven, and this was a nickname for William de Percy, a companion of William the Conqueror. It was revived in the 15th century for his descendant Henry Percy, and adopted into other families connected to them. Oscar Wilde used it for a brainless fop in "The Importance of Being Earnest".



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