专业躺枪 舍文青女其谁(双语)

专业躺枪 舍文青女其谁(双语)

作者: 默言梦语 | 来源:发表于2018-03-14 16:32 被阅读0次
专业躺枪 舍文青女其谁(双语)






2. 女孩在一封所谓情书里公布了这段不伦恋,并将之发布在了自己的社交网络上

3. 女孩不知为何被打上了文艺女青年的标签 (别告诉就因为她自称是三毛转世—槽点太多,让我翻个大大的白眼)










赌一包辣条,这一次被妖魔化的仍然不会是男方,而天上所有的文艺男青年大概都会平安置身事外, 继续笑谈风月。

专业躺枪 舍文青女其谁(双语)


I’ve received several articles about Literature Women from WeChat accounts I followed, articles like “How to identify a literature woman”, “Hallmarks of literature women” and etc.

Since when the literature woman has become human enemies? I wondered. So, I did some research. Honestly, the reason made me sick to my stomach.

Let’s strip away all the juicy details and focus on the elements of fact only:

1. A twenty-year-old girl had an affair with a fifty-year-old married director.

2. The girl exposed this affair in a love letter which had been posted in her social networks.

3. The girl was somehow branded as a literature woman. (Just because she claimed herself to the be the reincarnation of Sanmao? Here I hear myself ejaculate an unrestrained Huh)

Result: All the literature woman took the blame.

Excuse Me? I don’t quite understand the logic of this society.

Whatever one may say about the equality between man and woman, once a man and a woman got involved in a wrong doing, unsurprisingly it’s the woman that take all the blame. I’ve already got used to that. However, to drag a whole group down with it? I probably need some time to digest that.

It’s much easier to despise the girl, who is ruthless young and shows no respect for the sanctity of marriage.

But she is not the one who betrayed the oath, she is not the one who did it and then pretended that nothing had happened.

However, in public’s opinion, the director just made himself a fool by sleeping a literature woman.

Attention, the key part is not “sleep someone out of the wedlock” but “sleep a literature woman”.

I really don’t know what to say.

Suppose they’ve switched the places. Suppose it’s a twenty-year-old man had an affair with a fifty-year-old married woman, and the man exposed their affair in a love letter with so-called literature feel. What would happen?

I bet that it’s still not the man who would be monsterized and Literature Man would be pretty safe this time.

专业躺枪 舍文青女其谁(双语)


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    本文标题:专业躺枪 舍文青女其谁(双语)
