

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-07-02 20:07 被阅读0次

蔬菜对健康有益 — 这是一个众人皆知的道理。然而,我们有时候会因为偏爱其它食物的口味而对吃青菜感到很不情愿。

As a child, I was always told to 'eat my greens'. These were the unappealing vegetables that sat on the edge of my plate. Peas, broccoli1 and green beans, all looked and tasted disgusting. Let's face it, when there were so many other edible2 treats to enjoy, why eat boring veg?

Since then my taste buds have developed and I'm also fully3 aware of the health benefits of eating fresh vegetables. But we still need reminding of the amazing goodness these green superfoods give us. In the UK, a campaign based on advice from the World Health Organization has been running for several years to encourage us to eat our '5 A Day' – five portions of fruit and vegetables. That's because evidence has shown there are significant health benefits to getting at least five 80g portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.

But I struggle trying to fit these five portions into my daily diet, partly because I have a sweet tooth


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