pithy 言简意赅的,精炼的
sensation 感觉,知觉
banter 开玩笑
She is just exchanging banter with you.
reflect 反射
ennoble 使成为贵族
savvy 了解,知识,
exorbitant 过高的,高的离谱的
The price is exorbitant and she can't afford it .
rave 怒吼,咆哮
intuitive 直觉的,直观的
garment 衣服
nuance 细微差别
gadfly 讨人厌者
haven 避难所
jot 匆匆记下 jot down
ethereal 优雅的
tantrum 耍脾气
trudge 努力的走,徒步跋涉
palpable 易于察觉的