Facing ageing society 越活越久会怎样

Facing ageing society 越活越久会怎样

作者: 徐丹的写作课 | 来源:发表于2018-02-26 13:03 被阅读14次


原题如下:In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.



Facing ageing society 越活越久会怎样

Ageing society, which means the average life expectancy is increasing, is due to technology development. It is a coming event which is certain. People will grow old slowly and die at a very high age. Then what will be different?


From the aspect of making a fortune, ageing society means nowadays younger people should be trained better than before to get a job, since people already in work positions are skilled and can work for a long time.

On one hand, the so-called noble jobs are not easy to find, since the growth of white-collars’ salaries are relatively low compared to CPI. On the other hand, young people are piled in the third industries for example delivery, because the work is simple and flexible.



Due to shortage on endowment insurance,old people start to retire later. Some old people who have bad health situation don't like this. Some old people are occupied by grandsons so even if they have retired from companies, they are still busy in household work. Some old people with good health situation enjoy regular time table and getting progressed, so they retire from work late or find a new job after retiring.


The good example is that Alibaba is offering highly-paid job vacancies for people who are over 60 years old. The requirement is quite high, including knowing old people’s consuming sentiment and using mobile apps familiarly and so on. So if you are good at making money, ageing is not a problem.


Then, what can we do?

As for old people, they are sort of lucky since they’ve already had or will soon have retirement pay. So the most important thing should be have an open mind and embrace the new changing world. Being independent and doing some meaningful things to make their life more colorful.

As for young people (including middle-aged), they must save money for their retirement and children’s education fees. If no children, they should prepare even more. I have seen a Korean TV series called* Dear My Friends* which tells different ways to spend time when people are old. it can enlighten young people a lot. Young people are under big pressure but they still have time and energy.

So, what should everybody do no matter you are young or old? I suppose it should be a person with resources, power and plans. Ageing society is probably becoming a society that encourages these people and makes huge difference between individuals.






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    本文标题:Facing ageing society 越活越久会怎样
