词:屏幕设备screen-based devices
网络欺凌:cyber bulling
色情信息:sexting (sex+texting)
我译:People are increasingly concerned that overusing of screen-based devices could lead to addiction and mental disease. And people,who spend too much time sitting in front of the screen, would gain weight for lack of exercise.In addition, there are potentially new
risks in the digital world, including cyber bulling and sexting.
经济学人原文:There are growing concerns that overuse of screen-based devices might lead to addiction and mental illness, and that spending too much time sitting still in front of a screen will stop them from exercising and make them fat.The digital world also harbors new risks,including cyber bulling and sexting.
总结:Overuse 本身就可以当名词使用。
花太多时间坐在… 这句与上句的逻辑关系未处理好。它与过度使用… 应该并列为担心的宾语成分
Harbor 怀有(某种情感、想法)
V-T If you harbor an emotion, thought, or secret, you have it in
your mind over a long period of time. 长期怀有
中式:People are increasingly worried /concerned
地道:There are growing concerns…
经济学人原文:For decades, decling water volumes have been a growing worry.
我译:People are easy to feel pessimistic about the state of global trade.
经济学人原文:It is easy to be downcast about the state of global trade.
(downcast, if you are downcast, you’re feeling sad and without
相反地,在英译汉的过程中,当句子出现“跟人的活动有关”的表达时,即使句子里没有people, 我们也可以大胆的加上人们,使句以更完整,表达更顺畅。
例句:The offer was denounced as a bluff.