

作者: 刺猬体验 | 来源:发表于2017-10-10 21:22 被阅读0次



>> 你知道值机柜台在哪里吗?

Do you know where the check in counter is?

>> 能告诉我如何填写这张表格吗?

Could you tell me how to fill in this form?

>> 可以给我安排靠窗的位置吗?

Can I have a window seat, please?

>> 可以给我安排靠近过道的位置吗?

Can I have an aisle seat,please?

>> 我想要托运行李。

I would like to check in my luggage.

>> 这个包可以随身带上飞机吗?

Is this bag OK as hand luggage?

>> 这个可以通过安检吗?

Can I take this through security?

>> 行李可以直接托运到(终点站)吗?

Can I check my luggage through to...?


>> 我怎样才能找到行李推车?

How can I find a trolley?

>> 我们延误多长时间?

How many hours are we behind schedule?

>> 这班飞机要到哪一个登机门登机?

What gate does the flight board at?

>> 请问__号登机门在哪里?

Excuse me, where is Gate __?

>> 这班飞机几点登机?

When does the flight begin boarding?

>> 您能带我去座位吗?

Can you show me the way to my seat?

>> 可以帮我更换下座位吗?

Could you change my seat, please?

>> 现在可以解开安全带了吗?

Is it all right to loosen my seat belt?

>> 可以给我一条毛毯/一个枕头/一副耳机/一双拖鞋吗?

May I have a blanket/a pillow/a headset/a pair of slippers?

>> 可以给我一支笔填入境表吗?

Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?


>> 请问转机柜台在哪里?

Where is the transfer counter?

>> 请问要转机的话应该怎么走?

Where do I make my connection?

>> 请问需要去几号登机口?

Which gate should I go to then?

>> 我要在哪里取行李?

Where can I get my baggage/luggage?

>> 我应该在XX机场的哪个航站楼转机?

What terminal does my flight leave from at XX airport?

>> 我错过我的转机航班了吗?

Have I missed my connection?

>> 换乘时间有多久?

How long is my transfer time?

>> 我在转机时需要重新出境再入境吗?

Do I need to go through Immigration for connection flights?

>> 转机是不是需要再次托运我的行李?

Will I have to claim and re-check my baggage for connecting flights?



I can't find my baggage.


Here Is my claim tag.


Could you please check it urgently?


Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it.

>> 如果今天无法找到行李,我该怎么办?

How can you help me if you can't find my baggage today?


>>这里有去市中心(机场)的机场巴士吗 ?

Is there an airport bus to the city(the airport)?

>> 请问巴士站(的士站)在哪里 ?

Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)?

>> 请问几点发车?

What time does it leave?


I'd like to get a new metro card. Do you know where I should go?


Would you please let me know when we get to the stop?


Do you know where the nearest subway station is?

>> 请问这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?

Is there an airport bus to the city center?

>> 请问公车站 / 出租车在哪里 ?

Where is the bus stop / taxi stand?

>> 请问到__需要多长时间?

How long does it take to go to ____?

>> 坐出租到市中心需要多少钱?

How much does it cost to the city center by taxi?

>>请载我去(景点) / 地址。

Take me to ___ / this address, please.


Do you use the metre?

>>请在这里停车 / 左转/ 右转。

Please stop / turn left / right here.


Can I pay the fare by credit card?


>> 请问现在__(货币)汇率是多少?

Could you tell me what the exchange rate for __?

>> 请问我要哪里换钱?

Where can I change money?

>> 请将这些外币兑换成美金?

Can you change this into dollars?

>> 请将大钞换成零钱。

I'd like some small change.

>> 哪里有自助取款机?

Where is the ATM?

>> 可以麻烦给我收据吗?

Could I have a receipt,please?


>> 我想预定十月一号一晚房间。

I’d like to make a reservation for one night on the 1st of Oct.

>> 我能订一间从____到____的双人房吗?

Could I book a double room for ____days from (date) to (date)?

>> 我想要预订一间单人房。

I’d like to reserve a room of one / a single room.

>> 我想取消已经预订的房间,因为旅游计划有所改变。

I’d like to cancel a reservation, for the travel schedule has been changed.

>> 房价多少?

What are the room rates?

>> 请问四人房一晚多少钱?

How much is family room for a night?

>> 请问房价有包含早餐吗?

Is breakfast included in the room price?

>> 房间有网络吗?

Does the room have Internet access?

>> 可以在早上七点叫醒我吗?

I world like to have a morning call / wake-up call at 7:00 in the morning.

>> 这房间里的灯光太暗了,请绐我换个亮点的。

The light in this room is too dim.Please get me a brighter one.

>> 请问今晩我的房间里能否附加一张床?

May I have an extra bed put in my room tonight?

>> 我想请人打扫下我的房间,能叫个服务员过来吗?

I'd like to have myroom cleaned. Would you please send a maid here right now?

>> 我要退房和结账。

I'd like to check out and finalize my bill.


>> 请问现在有两人座位吗?

Do you have a table for two right now?

>> 我今天晚上6:30有订位。

I have a reservation at 18:30.

>> 可以给我们一个靠窗的桌子吗﹖

May we have a table by the window, please?

>> 可以给我一份菜单吗

May I have a menu, please?

>> 请问有中文菜单吗?

Do you have a Chinese menu?

>> 你可以推荐我们三人份的餐点吗?

What would you recommend for a party of three?

>> 这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢?

What kind of dish is most popular here?

>> 我们还需要一些时间看一下菜单 / 决定要点什么。

We need more time to look at the menu / decide whatto order.

>> 你好,我们可以点餐了。

Excuse me, we’re ready to order.

>> 现在改餐点还来得及吗?

Is it too late to change my order?

>> 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?

Can I have the same dish as that?

>> 请告诉我要如何食用这道菜?

Could you tell me how to eat this?

>> 可以再给我一根汤匙吗?

May I have another spoon, please?

>> 可以给我一个叉子吗?

Could you give me a fork, please?

>> 不好意思,我点的餐还没送到。

Excuse me. My order hasn’t arrived yet.

>> 可以再给我一些水 / 纸巾吗?

Could I have some more water / napkins, please?

>> 请问可以给我帐单吗?

May I have the check, please.

>> 我想用现金付钱。

I would like to pay in cash.

>> 小费有包括在帐单里吗?

Is the gratuity included in the bill?

>> 可以用这张信用卡付帐吗?

Can I pay with this credit card?

>> 请给我收据。

May I have the receipt, please.

>> 谢谢你的服务,我们很享受这顿饭。

Thank you for your service. We really enjoyed it.


>> 这项(物品)有特价吗?

Is this on sale?

>> 这是特价商品吗?

Is this a discounted item?

>> 请问 ___(物品)现在有打折吗?

Excuse me. Is there any discount on ___?

>> 最近有什么优惠活动吗?

Is there any promotion coming up?

>> 可以打个折吗?

How about a discount?

>> 还是太贵了,再便宜一点吧!

Still too expensive. Give me a better discount.

>> 不能再便宜了吗?

Is this your final price?

>> 谢谢,我只是随便看看。

Thank you but I’mjust looking around.

>> 我先试用,喜欢的话我会再回来买。

I’ll try it first.If I like it, I’ll come back.

>> 我可以看看那个吗?

Can I have a look at that one, please?

>> 不好意思,请问__(物品)在哪个走道?

Excuse me. Which aisle is ____ on?

>> 这个有别的颜色吗?

Do you have this in another color? / Does this comein any other colors?

>> 什么礼物你推荐我送男朋友?

What would you recommend for a gift for myboyfriend?

>> 我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。

I’m looking for agift for my friend.

>> 你们什么时候会进新货?

When will you be getting new stock in?

>> 我可以试穿这个吗?

Can I try this on?

>> 这件可以给我大号的吗?

Can I get this in large? / Can you bring me a largesize?



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