Here are 5 ways to choose the ri

Here are 5 ways to choose the ri

作者: 自性光明 | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 22:52 被阅读1次

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    Here are 5 ways to choose the right partner for you:

    1.Do not let fear guide your choices.

    Sometimes we stick with someone because we are afraid we will never find someone better.  When we allow our negative thoughts to take over and be the voice of reason, we end up setting.  This is why people may have a hard time leaving toxic and abusive relationships or relationships that simply are not working out.  Realize that you have the potential to be with someone who sincerely loves and cares about you.  The time you invest in with the wrong person is time you miss out on with the right one.

    2.Do not mistake emotional abuse for passion.

    Movie and social media often depict romance as an emotional roller coaster where couples fight, break up and make up,  and say that they can not live without each other.  This is actually a form of emotional abuse if it is a ongoing behavior.  If someone is keeping you at arm's length, and is not being fully emotionally available, it's not fair to you, when you're giving the relationship everything you have got.  You deserve to be with someone who makes you priority instead of a partner who makes you second guess your own worth and creates anxiety.  If you feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells, or are afraid of setting them of,  it's time to reevaluate whether it's still a good idea to be with them.

    3.Throw away your checklist.

    Perfection doesn't exist. There is no such things as Prince Charming or Cinderalla, although it is important not to settle for less.  We should not let our ideals blind us either.  Well,  we have super high expectations, they only set us up for disappointment and then we'll begin to wander why we can's find anyone. When you spend so much time  trying to find the perfect partner, you miss out on finding the right partner.  Relationships should be based off of realities, not being with someone who looks good on paper.

    4.Give people a chance to show you who they are.

    Don't be so quick to dismiss or reject someone just because of what they wear or who they hang out with.  You should only judge someone based on the content of their character.  Yes, there is no doubt that physical attraction is essential but it is not the most important factor either.  Do not get so cut off on superficial details, like what your type is or how much money they have.  Instead, ask yourself if you feel comfortable around them or what the two of you laugh about.  On the contrary, do not be so quick to latch onto someone either, just because you initially have a fiery connection. You want to make sure you get to know someone well over time before committing to them.

    5.Do not keep waiting for something that won not change.

    Be honest with yourself and know what your values are. If it is clear that what you want does not align with your partner, then know that it is time to move on.  It is important to be able to grow and evolve with someone, rather than feeling stuck and doom.  Have faith in love and be patient!  You will notice the right person when you are ready.



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