The Social lives Amboseli(Scient

The Social lives Amboseli(Scient

作者: diligentgirl | 来源:发表于2019-08-17 07:05 被阅读0次

    Words and phrases

    1.emerita/emeritus:used with a title to show that a person, usually a university teacher, keeps the title as an honour, although he or she has stopped working (常指大学教师)退休后保留头衔的,荣誉退休的

    2.matrilineal lines 母系

    3.to bend the trajectory of its fate  改变它的命运轨迹

    4.be in sth for the long ˈhaul: to be willing to continue doing a task until it is finished 愿意坚持到底

      ◆ I promise I am in this for the long haul. 我保证我会坚持把这事做完。

    5.(further) along/down the ˈroad:at some time in the future 今后;在将来

      ◆ There are certain to be more job losses further down the road. 往后肯定会有更多人失业。

    6.come up with the idea:to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc. 找到(答案等);拿出(一笔钱等)

    ◆ She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的新主意。

    7.developmental plasticity 发育可塑性 

    8.social bonds=social integration=social connectedness  社会融合

    9.fecal samples 粪便样本

    10.swamp v 

    1>swamp sb/sth with sth :to make sb have more of sth than they can deal with 使不堪承受;使疲于应对;使应接不暇 SYN inundate  

    ◆ The department was swamped with job applications. 面对纷至沓来的求职申请,这个部门疲于应对。

    swamp sb/sth

    ◆ In summer visitors swamp the island. 夏天,这个岛上游客熙熙攘攘,人满为患。

    2 swamp sth: to fill or cover sth with a lot of water 淹;淹没 SYN engulf

    ◆ The little boat was swamped by the waves. 小船被大浪淹没了


    1.Strong relationships help animals push back against the damaging effects of early adversity.


    push sth ˈback:to make the time or date of a meeting, etc. later than originally planned 推迟;延迟

    2.But if your mother dies and she had early adversity, you’re toast.

    be ˈtoast:( informal) ( especially NAmE) to be likely to die or be destroyed 会死;要完蛋

    ◆ One mistake and you're toast. 要是出一次错,你就完了。

    Academic-related concept:

    the Darwinian gauntlet 达尔文主义的挑战(还未理解。。。。。。)

    predictive adaptive response 预测适应性反应:adapting to difficult early conditions better prepares an organism for similar conditions later in life 

    a developmental constraints model 发展制约模型:being born in a poor early environment gives you a deficit in all environments



        本文标题:The Social lives Amboseli(Scient
