10月week4文献阅读:Transcription dynam

10月week4文献阅读:Transcription dynam

作者: 米妮爱分享 | 来源:发表于2019-11-09 22:31 被阅读0次

Transcription dynamics during human erythroid differentiation and development
What the writers analyzed is the genome-wide transcription dynamics occurring during the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells(HESCs) into the erythroid lineage and development of embryonic to adult erythropoiesis using high throughput sequencing technology, since they wanted to explore the mechanisms controlling erythroid differentiation and development.
HESCs and erythroid cells at three developmental stages: ESER( embryonic) ,FLER(fetal), and PBER(adult) were collected and sequenced.
The number of expressed genes decreased during differentiation, whereas the total expression intensity increased.
At each of the three transitions (HESCs-ESERs, ESERs-FLERs, and FLERs-PBERs), many differentially expressed genes were observed, which were involved in maintaining pluripotency, early erythroid specification, rapid cell growth, and cell-cell adhesion and interaction.

Dynamic networks and their central nodes in each transitions.
1.RNA-seq of HESCs and erythroid cells of different development stages.


Quality analysis of RNA-seq data.
RNA-seq 的测序质量。
(A) Fraction of genes detected as a function of read depth.
X-axis: number of reads(millions) mapped to the genome;
X-轴 : 映射到基因组的读数(百万)个数;

Y-axis: the proportion of genes detected in genes from the National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI) database.
Y-轴: 从国家生物技术中心(NCBI) 数据库获取的基因中检测到的基因比例
(B) Correlation between qRT-PCR and RNA-Seq for selected genes in HESCs, ESERs, FLERs, and PBERs. The selected genes are FOXO1, SOX4, TET1, BLVRA, CAT, TXNIP, HBE, HBG1, GATA1, and KLF1.
(B)选择的基因 的aRT-PCR与RNA-seq的相关关系。选中的基因为: FOXO1, SOX4, TET1, BLVRA, CAT, TXNIP, HBE, HBG1, GATA1, and KLF1.

2.Distinct gene expression patterns during differentiation and development.不同分化与发育阶段的基因表达模式。


Gene expression dynamics during differentiation.
(A)Hierarchical clustering of genes expressed in HESC, ESER, FLER, and PBER cells. Each row prepresents a gene, and each column represents a cell type at different stages. 在HESC, ESER, FLER, 和PBER细胞中表达基因的分层聚类。 每一行代表一个基因, 每一列代表一种在不同阶段的细胞。
Expression intensites are displayed from green(low expression) to red(high expression).Lines on the top and left represent the similarity between cell types and genes, repectivley.

Genes and cell types with the most similar expression profiles were clusterd together withe the shortest branches and represented in the dendrogram to illustrate their relationship.

(B) Numbers of genes expressed in four cell types. All: genes expressed in at least one of the four cell types;not expressed: absent relative to "all" ; uniquely expressed: expressed only in one cell type. 在四种细胞中基因表达的数量,所有:表示至少在四种中的一种细胞中表达, 不表达: 表示在 all 中相对不存在表达的基因,独特表达:表示只在一种细胞类型中表达。
(C) The total expression intensity of genes in four cell types. X-axis: four kinds of cell types,Y-axis: the expression intensity of all genes.
3.Differentiatial expression of unique class of genes in eythroid defferentiation and development.


Quantification of dynamic transcriptome changes during erythroid differentiation.

According to gene expression intensity, 27 patterns were identified.
Captial letters represent the three transcriptome changes during erythroid differentiation and development, e.g, the first letter represents changes from HESCs to ESERs, the seceond one represents changes from ESERs to FLERs, and the third one represents changes from FLERs to PBERs(U, up-regulated; D,down-regulated; and F, flat or unchanged).
大写字母代表在红系分化和发育的三个转录期的改变,例如,一个个字母代表 HESc到ESERs转录期的改变。第二个代表 ESERs到FLERs的改变,第三个代表FLERs 到PBERs 的改变。 (U: 上调,D: 下调, F, 平稳,未改变)
Each line represnets the gene expression dynamics. We thank Wu JQ et al. for the model.

  1. Identification of gene regulatory networks and central nodes involved in erythroid differentiation and development.

GO enrichment of nine gene categories during the differentiation process.

Top five functions enriched in UXX, XUX,and XXU.
在UXX, XUX, XXU, 阶段中前5个被富集的功能。

table2 fig4

Gene networks and central nodes involved in erythroid differentiation and development.

Genes involved in the three stages transitions were analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis(IPA)
Orange gene symbols indicate genes that appeared in UXX, XUX, or XXU. White gene symbols indicate gnes not identified in UXX, XUX, or XXU. Genes with a score >2 fold the average score of the network are defined as central nodes.
橙色的基因节点被显示为出现在UXX, XUX, 或XXU时期,白色的表示为出现在这三种时期的, 基因表达量大于平均表达表达2倍的被认为是中心节点。
(A) A gene network of 17 central nodes constructed using up-regulated in ESERs compared with HESCs(UXX).
在UXX时期,即与HESCs相比, ESER时期的上调基因调控网络和17个中心节点。
(B) Network analysis of up-regulated genes in FLERs Vs ESERs, with 5 central nodes(XUX).
XUX 时期,即与ESERs相比,FLERs 上调基因的调控网络。

(C) A gene network constructed using genes up-regulated in PBERs vs. FLERs, with 9 cenral nodes(XXU).
XXU, FLERs与PBERs相比的上台基因的的调控网络以及9个中心节点。


Pathways activated in each comparision.在每个比较转录时期中被激活的通路。
Pathways activated in the three stage.Pathways activated in the three stage transitions containing central nodes were identified by IPA.
(A) Activation of the FLTS3 signaling pathway in ESER in ESER cells compared with that in HESCs.
相比HESCs, 在ESERs细胞中, FLTS3 信号通路被激活。
(B) Activation of cyclins and cell cycle regulation pathway in FLER cells compared with that in ESER cells.
与ESER 细胞相比,在FLER细胞中, 细胞周期蛋白和细胞周期调控被激活。
(C) Activation of ILK signaling pathway in PBER cells compared with that in FLER cells.
与FLER细胞相比,在 PBER细胞中,ILK信号通路被激活。
Red and green represent up-regulated and donw-regulated genes, respectively. The extent of regulation is based on the color grade. Symbols with gradient colors indicate a gene family whose members change in different degree.


The relative expression levels of selected central nodes in four cell populations as determined by qRT-PCR.



    本文标题:10月week4文献阅读:Transcription dynam
