《原则》工作原则 2.7 了解心理地图和谦卑

《原则》工作原则 2.7 了解心理地图和谦卑

作者: 李子心诚 | 来源:发表于2019-01-09 07:32 被阅读17次

    2.7Understandyour own and others’ mental maps and humility.

    2.7 了解你自己和他人的心理地图和谦卑

    Some people are good atknowing what to do on their own; they have good mental maps. Maybe theyacquired them from being taught; maybe they were blessed with an especiallylarge dose of common sense. Whatever the case, they have more answers insidethemselves than others do. Similarly, some people are more humble andopen-minded than others. Humility can be even more valuable than having goodmental maps if it leads you to seek out better answers than you could come upwith on your own. Having both open-mindedness and good mental maps is mostpowerful of all.


    To convey this simpleconcept, imagine rating from one to ten how good someone’s mental map is (inother words, what they know) on the Y-axis and how humble/open-minded they areon the X-axis, as shown on the opposite page.

    便于理解这个简单地 概念,想象一个值域1-10的图表:y轴代表人的心理地图,x轴代表谦卑/开放心态,另一面显示。

    Everyone starts out inthe lower left area, with poor mental maps and little open-mindedness, and mostpeople remain tragically and arrogantly stuck in that position. You can improveby either going up on the mental-maps axis (by learning how to do thingsbetter) or out on the open-mindedness axis. Either will provide you with betterknowledge of what to do. If you have good mental maps and low open-mindedness,that will be good but not great. You will still miss a lot that is of value.Similarly, if you have high open-mindedness but bad mental maps, you willprobably have challenges picking the right people and points of view to follow.The person who has good mental maps and a lot of open-mindedness will alwaysbeat out the person who doesn’t have both.


    Now take a minute to think aboutyour path to becoming more effective. Where would you place yourself on thischart? Ask others where they’d place you.

    Once you understand what you’remissing and gain open-mindedness that will allow you to get help from others,you’ll see that there’s virtually nothing you can’t accomplish.

    Mostpeople fail to do this most of the time. In the next chapters, I’ll explore whyand how to rectify that.






          本文标题:《原则》工作原则 2.7 了解心理地图和谦卑
