

作者: 不愿做甲乙丙丁最后成了温暖 | 来源:发表于2017-04-12 19:12 被阅读0次


1.cloud computing

Cloud computing is a model of computer use in which services that are available on the Internet are provided to users on a temporary basis.


a.Almond are pale oval nuts .They are often used in cooking.
b.An almond or an almond three,is a tree on which almonds grow.


a.A lamp is a right that works by using electricity or by burning oil or gas.
b.A lamp is an electrical device which profuces a special type of light or heat,used especially in medical or beauty treatment
EXample:To keep a lamp butning we have to keep putting oil in it.


A sprinkle is a device used to spray water.Sprinklers are used to water plants or grass,or to put out fires in buildings.


A valuation is a judgement that someone makes about how much money something is worth.
Synonyms: costing,value,price,estimate
Example:Some of these trusts are trading on very high valuations.

6.tick off

a. If you tick off items on a list,you write a tick on other mark next to them,in order to show that they have been dealt with.
b.If you tick someone off,you speak angrily to them because they have done something wrong .
c.If you say that something ticks you off,you mean that it annoys you .
Synonyms: mark off,check off,annoy,bother
Example: He held his pencil ready to tick off the point on his list.


The pitfalls involved in a particular activity or situation are the things that may go wrong or may cause problems.
Synonyms: danger,difficulty


a.If you nudge someone,you push them gently,usually with you elbow,in order to draw this attention to something.
b.If you nudge someone or something into a place or positon,you gently push them there.
c.If you nudge someone into doing something,you gently persuade them to do it.
d.If someone or something is nudging a particular amout,level,or state,they have almost reached it.
Example:It is almost a nudge in the wrong direction.

9.beef up

If you beef up something,you increase,strengthen,or improve it.
Synonyms: strengthen,increase,build up
Example:We have beefed up security for his national tour.


If you say that someone is whingeing,you mean that they are complaining in an annoying way about something unimportant.
Synonyms: complain,moan
Example:Ye this was not to be one long whinge.


To entice someone to go somewhere or to do something means to try to persuade them to go to that place or to do that thing.
Synonyms: persuade,attract,lure
Example:Its purpose is to entice shoppers and win their loyalty.


If something or someone whirl around or if you whirl them around,they move around or turn around very quickly .
Synonyms: rotate,roll,twist
Example:The first few hours were a whirl of activity.


A debacle is an event or attempt that is a complete failure.
Synonyms: disaster,fiasco
Example: It's more confusing than the whole pay rise debacle.

14.crank out

If you say that a company or person crank out a quantity of similar things,you mean they produce them quickly,in the same way,and are usually implying that the things are not original or are of poor quality.


a.If someone's body or a part of their body is bloated,it is much larger than normal,usually because it has a lot of liquid or gas inside it.
b.If you feel bloated after eating a large meal,you feel very full and uncomfortable.
c.If you describe an organizations as bloated,you mean that it is larger and less efficient than it should be.
Synonyms: too full,stuffed,swollen


Pristine things are extremely clean or new.
Synonyms: new pure,virgin
Example:Everything will be clean and pristine and beautifully packaged.


If one thing is adjacent to another,the two things are next to each other.
Synonyms: adjoining,nearby
Example:There were two couples at an adjacent table.


a.If you accuse someone of saying or doing inflammatory things,you mean that what they say or do is likely to make people react very angrily.
b.An inflammatory condition or disease is one in which the patient suffers from inflammation.

19.conglomerate discount

Conglomerate discount is an economic concept describing a situation when the stock market values a diversified group of businesses and assets at less than the sum of its parts. This explanation of this phenomenon comes from a conglomerate's inability to manage various and different businesses as well as do focused companies.Therefore the market penalizes a muti-division firm and attaches a lower multiple to its earnings and cash flows,thus creating the discount .However,the opposite concept,called conglomerates premium,also exists.

20.predatory pricing

Predatory pricing is a risky and dubious pricing strategy where product or service is set at a very low price,intending to drive competitors out of the market,or create barriers to entry for potential new competitors.Theoretically if competitors or potential competitors cannot sustain equal or lower prices .Without losing money,they go out of business or choose not to enter the business.The so called predatory merchant then theoretically has fewer competitors or is even a de facto monopoly.

Day 2:


Day 3:

1.Amazon,which went public 20 years ago,is now the world 's fifth-largest company by value,which over $400bn.

====With a market capitalization of some $400bn

,it is the fifth-most-valuable firm in the word.

2.account for

3.jump =rise =up=climb =increase =go up =beef up

4.dip =fall =decrease=drop

5.seven times quicker than=seven times faster than

6.quadruple the level five years ago

7.earnings =profits

8.earnings per share 每股收益

  export earnings出口利润


9.whinge about =complain

  Resolutely focused on

  Distant horizon

10.propel business

11.circle ...whirl


13.lure =entice =attract

14.approach to

15.most well-regarded company =most admired company =most highly regarded company =best perceived brand


17.value a over b更看重a而非b

     choose a over b 选择a而非b

18.share price

19.market capitalisation

20.justify valuation

21.heady valuation

22.crank out cash

23.trigger antitrustaction

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