所以我觉得,最多制定一年的计划就已经足够了。我的策略是,制定一年的计划包括每三个月的检视。 一个新年计划,包括几个要达到的大目标,然后把这个大目标分解到三个月的中期目标,在做每周/月/天的安排时再相应地分解。
Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now.
如何建立自己的支持体系呢? 最重要的是找到可以给自己实现目标提供支持的群体(Master Mind Group) 。Master Mind的选择标准是,他/她已经达到你的某个梦想。比如,你想要做一个积极的人,那么如果你能有一个朋友已经是一个积极阳光的人,那么你会很快被这个人感染而更容易改变自己的心理状态。 Master Mind不一定要限于你在生活中认识的人,也可以是名人网络上的,或者已经离世的人,比如,如果你想做一个顶级科学家,那么爱因斯坦,费曼就有可能是你的Master Mind。 当你遇到困难,就可以在他们留下来的文字影像中寻找答案。Master Mind还有可能是和你有共同目标的人。
我觉得你要是想让人们认识有用的伟大概念,最好是将这些概念和提出它们的伟人的生活和个性联系起来。我想你要是能够和亚当斯密交朋友,那你的经济学肯定可以学得更好, 和已逝的伟人·交朋友,这听起来很好玩,但如果你确实在生活中与已逝的伟人成为朋友,那么我认为你会过上更好的生活,得到更好的教育。芒格
在我们还没有制定好行动计划的时候,如果Master Mind在我们身边的话,我们需要时常和他们开会 (每周1-2次),直到我们制定好这样的计划。
Nothing sustains motivation better than belonging to the tribe. It transforms a personal quest into a shared one. Previously, you were on your own. Your identity was singular.You are a reader. You are a musician. You are an athlete. When you join a book club or a band or a cycling group, your identity becomes linked to those around you. Growth and change is no longer an individual pursuit. We are readers. We are musicians. We are cyclists. The shared identity begins to reinforce your personal identity. This is why remaining part of a group after achieving a goal is crucial to maintaining your habits. It's friendship and community that embed a new identity and help behaviors last over the long run.
You will be surprised how often the circumstances which will confront you, will fit in with plans you have laid out in advance.
1. 拆分
Here’s a process that will help you create your plan:
- Break your goal into at least 5 mini-goals
- Write a short paragraph explaining how you’ll meet each mini-goal
- Create a timeline for these steps
2 . “回收”工作流程 Workflow
而对于解决任何问题,或者制定任何计划,我总结出来的一个凝练的流程就是: 收集信息(Input) - 理解Input- 做出决定/计划/结果(output)。
Act toward the world - everything and everyone, with an attitude calculated to produce the results you want. That is, if the result you want is more success in what you're doing, act as though you are already in possession of that success.
3 . Mental preparation
在任何workflow中的关键是mental preparation.
Preparation is everything, as they say. Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail.
When you prepave, or positively anticipate with your thoughts, the amount of action required is far less, and the action is much more satisfying.