1) 首先向学生植入对学习的热爱,让他们都想学习;
2) 第二,给学生赋能,让他们都热衷于学习如何学习,并乐于找出能帮助他们学习的东西;
3) 第三,通过将学习计划分成小块,并跟孩子们一道制定一套学习计划,促成他们的学习,这样他们就可以按照时间表独立学习,我们可以在重要结点检查他们的进展,以培养他们的自我管理技能。而这种自我管理技能是他们一辈子都用得着的技能,是人生成功必备的技能。
I believe that a teacher’s primary job is to instil, empower and facilitate.
1) first to instil a love of learning in our students so that they all want to learn;
2) second to empower our students so they’re all keen to learn how to learn, readily figure out what helps them to learn;
3) and third to facilitate their learning by breaking down a learning programme into bite-size chunks and reaching an agreed learning schedule with them so that they can follow the schedule and learn independently and that we can check their progress at strategic points to develop their self-management skill, a transferable life skill essential for future success.