
作者: 李坤_九期强化班 | 来源:发表于2022-12-04 19:47 被阅读0次

Asking better questions is the first step to understanding ourselves and the world around us. When we ask profound questions about life, we can start to uncover hidden meanings that can help us design better paths.

The questions we ask ourselves can significantly affect the quality of our lives. If we only ever ask conventional and surface-level questions, we’ll only ever get surface-level wisdom for life.

A meaningful life is hidden in the questions you are not asking. Be more interested in questions than answers.

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned,” Richard Feynman said.

Think about this for a moment: If there is something more than just getting by and going through the motions each day, where do we find it? Where can we look for answers beyond just “another day”?

You can design a better life by digging a little deeper than everyday thinking can reach. The insights we need might lie somewhere beneath the surface of daily concerns.

The deeper questions in life are the ones that make us think, the ones that make us question everything we know. They’re the questions that don’t have easy answers, the ones that make us dig deep and think about what we know to be the only truth. And they’re the questions that can lead to a deeper, more meaningful life.

“Asking questions is the first way to begin change,” argues Kubra Sait.

The pressure to succeed and the fear of failure are constant companions for many people. Do you ever question what you do daily when you feel like you are not making progress? If you are willing to go a little deeper, you can discover so much more about yourself, the world and your place in it.

So what are some more profound questions we can ask ourselves?

Do I understand myself enough to design the life I truly want? What are my deepest values, and how can I align my life with them? What is my life’s purpose, and am I living in accordance with it? How can I become more self-aware and do more of what makes me come alive?

How can I create more meaningful relationships? How can I become more present and mindful in my day-to-day life? Is my present reality the only truth? What is the point of my assumptions? Are my present rituals and routines helping me design the life I expect of myself? Is everything I know the only truth for a good life? Who can I learn from to design a better trajectory in life?



