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Day 06:The 7 Habits of Highly Ef

Day 06:The 7 Habits of Highly Ef

作者: f5cbc22a4a57 | 来源:发表于2017-07-10 16:55 被阅读18次
    Book Reading Part @July 10, 2017
    Stephen R. Covey Habit 2:Begin With the End in Mind, P102-118




    “以终为始”(Begin with the End in Mind)

    我们在盖棺定论时所希望获得的评论,才是我们内心深处真正想要追求的目标。以终为始(to begin with the end),需要我们对自己内心深处最终想要获得的目标了然于心,并时刻记着,一路走来一路审视,方能在前往目标的道路不迷失,不走岔。简单的说,你想“得瓜”,就只能“种瓜”,而不能“种豆”。

    To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.


    “以终为始”的第一个原则基础是,凡事都要想好再做(All Things are Created Twice)。也就是说,我们做任何事情都需要先在头脑里构思好,即进行思想层面的第一次创造(Mental / First Creation),然后再付诸行动,也就是进行现实生活中的第二次创造(Physical / Second Creation)。好比建房子,需要先有详尽可行的设计图,才能按部施工完成。


    前面习惯一提到的“积极主动”,就是希望我们能够运用人类独有的天赋,即自我意识(self-awareness)、想象力(imagination)、良知(conscience)和独立意志(independent will)来审视我们目前的生活状态,积极主动的构思属于我们自己的蓝图,过我们自己的生活。


    In the words of both Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”


    “以终为始”的方法之一:改写人生剧本,成为自己的第一创造者(Re-scripting: Becoming Your Own First Creator)

    鉴于人类成长的自然规律(Maturity Continuum),从婴儿期的依赖到成人后的独立,这期间我们不能自主的“演绎”着许多来自父母、学校甚至社会的剧本。我们无法第一时间编写自己的成长剧本,但是当我们有能力自我意识(self-awareness)到这点时,我们就可以运用我们的想象力(imagination)和良知(conscience)改编自己的人生剧本,尝试思维转换,“以终为始”,改掉我们认为无效的消极的错误的不完整的思维定式,培养真正有效地积极地正确的习惯和思维模式,从而实现我们内心的真正价值。

    I can live out of my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past. I can become my own first creator.

    “以终为始”的方法之二:写出你的人生观(Personal Mission Statement)



    People can’t live with change if there’s not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.

    * Words and Expressions: *#

    As you walk inside the building, you notice the flowers, the soft organ music.

    organ, n, 1) (also pipe organ) a large musical instrument used especially in churches, with keys like a piano and large pipes that air passes through to produce the sound;2) an electronic musical instrument that produces music similar to a pipe organ, but that does not have pipes. 风琴,管风琴.
    e.g. mouth organ 口琴

    He records that he was almost loath to leave his prison cell because it was there that he realized that real success is success with self.

    loath, adj, not wanting or willing to do something. 勉强的,不情愿的 [more loath, most loath]; be loath to do something
    e.g. I am absolutely loath to let others even my parents control my own life.

    He was biding his time.

    bide, vi, (old use) to wait or stay somewhere, often for a long time. [syn: abide] 等待,停留
    bide one’s time: to wait until the right moment to do something. 等候最佳时刻
    e.g. He is biding his time during the negotiation.



        本文标题:Day 06:The 7 Habits of Highly Ef
