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Day 04:The 7 Habits of Highly Ef

Day 04:The 7 Habits of Highly Ef

作者: f5cbc22a4a57 | 来源:发表于2017-07-06 15:35 被阅读42次
Book Reading Part @July 6, 2017
Stephen R. Covey Habit 1:Be Proactive, P73-85

Key Words:

Be Proactive、self-awareness、social mirror、stimulus & response、proactive model、R and I(Resourcefulness and Initiative).


本章节开始介绍习惯一:积极主动性(Be Proactive)在个人领域的成功方面有着怎样的影响与作用。通过犹太心理学家 Victor Frankl 二战期间在死亡集中营的经历,告诉读者:在刺激和回应之间,人有选择的自由。这种选择的自由包含人类独有的四种天赋,即自我意识(self-awareness)、想象力(imagination)、良知(conscience)和独立意志(independent will)。


积极主动性不单指态度积极,还需要对自己的人生负责。责任感(Responsibility)是由 response-ability 这两个词构成,意即选择回应的能力。比如 Victor Frankl,选择了积极想象自己离开集中营后的生活场景来回应当前那恶劣的生存境况;比如听完作者演讲后的那位女护士,选择换种积极态度来面对挑剔难缠的病人;比如作者妻子的伴娘,在癌症晚期仍保留积极乐观的态度写回忆录,为孩子今后不同人生阶段留下宝贵建议;再比如想跳槽的人,可以选择更为主动的“solution selling” 来推销自己。


  • 基因决定论:认为人的本性是由基因遗传决定的,比如你脾气不好,完全是因为你的祖先有暴脾气的DNA。
  • 心理决定论:认为人的本性是经由父母的教育及个人经历所决定的。
  • 环境决定论:认为人的本性由环境决定,比如周围的人和事,经济状况,国家政策等。


Words and Expressions:

If the only vision we have of ourselves comes from the social mirror...our view of ourselves is like the reflection in the crazy mirror room at the carnival.

the crazy mirror room,嘉年华上的“疯狂镜子屋”,实际上就是我们常说的“哈哈镜”,distorting mirror。

reflection from distorting mirror

They are often more projections than reflections, projecting the concerns and character weaknesses of people giving the input rather than accurately reflecting what we are.

projection, 投射,the act of imagining that someone else is feeling the same emotions as you. 我觉得可以结合心理上的情感投射来理解,一个人将他自己的价值观,情感喜恶投射到他人身上,或者被他人所投射。

reflection,an opinion that you form or a remark that you make after carefully thinking about something. 真实反映你的“本来面目”。


Proactivity is part of human nature, and, although the proactive muscles may be dormant, they are there.

dormant, adj. not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later. 休眠的,潜伏的;(synonymous:inactive, sleeping)
e.g. dormant volcano 休眠火山;dormant period 潜伏期,垫伏期
e.g. How are you going to do with your so-many dormant credit cards?

I'm not talking about a 25 to 50 percent difference in effectiveness; I'm talking about a ***5000-plus ***percent difference, particularly if they are smart, aware, and sensitive to others.

plus, adj. used after a number to indicate a range greater than that number,用在数字之后,可实指比前面数量大;也可虚指,如例句里 5000-plus 就是用来表明区别之大,这个用法可以借鉴。就像美国分数制度有B+, B,B-,就是 B-plus, B-minus,表示分数等级递减。
e.g. The game is only limited to 18-plus adults to play.


No one can hurt you without your consent.(Eleanor Roosevelt)
除非你同意,否则没有人可以伤害你。(埃莉诺 · 罗斯福,美国罗斯福总统夫人)

They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them.(Gandhi)



    本文标题:Day 04:The 7 Habits of Highly Ef
