高端夏令营助跑孩子 贫困家长们望“洋”兴叹

高端夏令营助跑孩子 贫困家长们望“洋”兴叹

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2018-08-12 21:36 被阅读1次

High camp

Summer camps entertain, educate and give kids a competitive edge

Snag: only the affluent can afford them

Aug 9th 2018

IN A classroom at Imperial College London, students sit hunched over laptops, typing lines of code. Just nine years old, they are attending Firetech, a British technology summer camp for children. Courses include “Junior Augmented Reality” and “Creating for YouTube”. Such programmes are proliferating in many countries. They pander to two common demands from well-off parents: to entertain children over the long summer holidays and to give them a leg-up over their peers.

At most American summer camps children still commune with nature and sing around a campfire. But some camps cater to more niche interests, such as neuroscience, outer space or even atheism. Tom Rosenberg, chief executive of the American Camp Association, says a growing number focus on skills in demand at modern workplaces. The proportion offering science, technology, engineering or maths programmes, for instance, rose from less than a quarter in 2014 to almost a third in 2017.
在大多数美国夏令营中,孩子们仍在亲近自然和在篝火旁唱歌。但是一些夏令营开始迎合更多的兴趣爱好,诸如神经科学、外太空甚至无神论。美国夏令营协会首席执行官汤姆•罗森伯格(Tom Rosenberg)表示,越来越多的人开始关注现代职场所需的技能。举例而言,夏令营提供科学、科技、工程或数学项目的比例从2014年的1/4以下增至2017年的1/3左右。

Students often have an eye on university. Alexandra Boyt and David Stephenson, who run a residential Latin camp in western England, say a lot of students come to prepare for interviews at Oxford and Cambridge. Princeton asks applicants how they spent their past two summers. Entry to the camps themselves can be competitive. Canada/USA Mathcamp accepts just 15% of applicants.

In East Asia some parents use the summer to boost their children’s English skills. In a packed classroom at SNT Academy, a private language school in an affluent part of Seoul, the South Korean capital, a group of eight- and nine-year-olds practise debating (topic: should cosmetic surgery be banned?). Many wealthy Chinese parents go further, sending their children on study tours abroad. Ctrip, a Chinese travel agency, believes that 1m Chinese students will go on such trips this year, spending $4.5bn.

The fanciest summer programmes can be expensive. Firetech charges £1,300 ($1,700) for week-long residential courses; a week at Space Camp, in Huntsville, Alabama, can cost up to $1,200. Mr Rosenberg says there is a camp for every budget. But as wealthier parents splash out on ever more specialised programmes, it is getting harder for the less well-to-do to keep up in the summer-camp arms race.
最高档的夏令营项目价格不菲。Firetech对为期一周的住校课程收取1300英镑(1700美元)的费用。在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的太空营(Space Camp),一周的费用就高达1200美元。罗森伯格表示,市场上存有各种预算的夏令营。但随着越来越富有的父母在越来越专业的活动项目上出手阔绰,那些相对不太富裕的父母想要在夏令营的“军备竞赛”中赶上步伐愈发困难重重。(译:商志远)


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    本文标题:高端夏令营助跑孩子 贫困家长们望“洋”兴叹
