Downstream of scRNA analysis ---

Downstream of scRNA analysis ---

作者: 不到15不改名 | 来源:发表于2019-10-28 22:07 被阅读0次

    1. Setup the Seurat Object
    pbmc_data <- Read10X(data.dir = "../data/pbmc3k/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/hg19/")
    pbmc <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_data)
    1. Standard pre-processing workflow
      filtration of cells
      data normalization
      data scaling (for dimensionality reduction)
      detection of highly variable features
    pbmc <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc, pattern = "^MT-", col.name = "percent.mt")
    pbmc <- SCTransform(pbmc, vars.to.regress = "percent.mt", verbose = FALSE)
    1. Dimensionality reduction, clustering and visualization
    # These are now standard steps in the Seurat workflow for visualization and clustering
    pbmc <- RunPCA(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
    ElbowPlot(pbmc, ndims = 35)
    # reticulate::py_install(packages = 'umap-learn')
    pbmc <- RunUMAP(pbmc, dims = 1:30, umap.method='umap-learn')
    pbmc <- FindNeighbors(pbmc, dims = 1:30, verbose = FALSE)
    pbmc <- FindClusters(pbmc, verbose = FALSE, resolution = 0.5)
    DimPlot(pbmc, reduction='umap', label = TRUE) + NoLegend()
    1. Find maker genes
    # find markers for every cluster compared to all remaining cells, report only the positive ones
    pbmc.markers <- FindAllMarkers(pbmc, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.25, logfc.threshold = 0.25)
    pbmc.markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(n = 2, wt = avg_logFC)
    # visualization
    FeaturePlot(pbmc, features = c("MS4A1", "GNLY", "CD3E", "CD14", "FCER1A", "FCGR3A", "LYZ", "PPBP", 


    1. Wouldn't be better to take TPM as the input of Seurat?

      Yep! We can simply log transform TPM before perform dimension reduction.
      Count to TPM (GenomicFeatures lib + GTF file + count >>> TPM)




        本文标题:Downstream of scRNA analysis ---
