

作者: Soulfang | 来源:发表于2022-01-12 18:58 被阅读0次

My cheeks flush with warmth. I know I overreacted. I know I got worked up for nothing.


“Dig in,” I say with a small smile, ignoring his comment and wishing I could erase my overreaction from a few moments ago from both of our memories. I know our relationship is that of a landlord and tenant, but I’ve always treated him as a guest. A friend, really. I want him to know that I enjoy his company. I want him to feel welcome and at home.


I know Tuesdays are his busiest days. He’s said so in the past. They like to perform surgeries earlier in the week; that way if there are any complications or emergencies, they’re normally caught before the weekend rolls around and doctors have to be paged in.


He doesn’t pry. He knows. Before he moved in, we discussed my circumstances.


I thought it would be best to answer any questions he might have before he so much as signed anything. It isn’t normal for a thirty-year-old woman to be living in a massive house all by herself, spending her days doing a whole lot of nothing but staring out windows and watching the comings and goings of the neighborhood like it’s her job.



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