停止说"你真聪明",开始说... 1、你很努力啊!——鼓励努力 You tried really hard on ...
停止说"你真聪明" 开始说... 1. 你很努力啊! —— 表扬努力 You tried really hard ...
KEY POINTS By the way, you look really young.顺便提一句,你看起来真年...
好吃 The soup is quite appetizing.(这个汤真开胃)This dish really ...
你有木有想到平时你在 CHANEL专柜买的饰品大多数都是假珍珠! shenmegui!!really??? 港真 ...
乐贵自然真趣,景物不在多远、 (Fun is really interesting, the scenery is...
得诗家真趣,悟禅教玄机 (Poetry home really interesting, the enlighte...
跟大我九岁的林南成为朋友已经是七年前的事情了。 那年冬天,我为了一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事与父母反目成仇,决定离家出走,但...
1406 Nicole 今天阅读的绘本是《When Sophie Gets Angry–Really,Really...
本文标题:你今天真好看: really?