Level seven is called psychic,
which doesn't mean psychic
capacities per se, although these
might begin to develop here. But
basically it just means the
beginning stages of transpersonal,
spiritual, or contemplative
development.What Aurobindo called
the "illumined mind."
Level eight is called the subtle,
or the intermediate stage of spiritual
development, the home of various
luminous forms, divine forms or Deity forms, known as yidam in
Buddhism and ishtadeva in Hinduism
(not to be confusedwith the
collective mythic forms of levels
three and four). The home of a
personal God, the home of the "real"
transpersonal archetypes and supra-
individual forms. Aurobindo's "
intuitive mind"; vijnanamaya-kosha
in Vedanta;in Buddhism, the alaya-

Level nine is the causal, or the pure unmanifest source of all the other and lower levels. The home, not of a personal God, but of a formless Godhead or Abyss.
Aurobindo's "overmind"; in Vedanta, the anandamaya-kosha, the bliss body.
Finally, the paper on which the entire diagram is drawn represents ultimate reality, or absolute Spirit, which is not a level among other levels but the Ground and Reality of all levels. Aurobindo's "supermind"; in Buddhism, the pure alaya; in Vedanta, turiya.
