Level four, the rule/role mind, develops between the ages of seven and eleven or so, what Piaget called concrete operational thinking. The Buddhists call it the manovijnana, the mind concretely operating on sensory experience. I call it rule/role, because it is the first structure that can perform rule-dominated thinking, like multiplication or division, and it is the
first structure that can take the role of other, or actually assume a perspective different from its own.It's a very important structure. Piaget calls it concrete operational because, although it can perform complex operations, it does so in a very
concrete and literal way. This is the
structure, for example, that thinks that myths are concretely true, literally true. I would like to emphasize that.
Level five, which I call formal-reflexive, is the first structure that can not only think but think about thinking. It isthus highly introspective, and it is capable of hypothetical reasoning, or testing propositions against evidence. What Piaget called formal operational thinking. It typically emerges in adolescence, and is responsible for the burgeoning self-consciousness and wild idealism of that period. Aurobindo refers to this as the "
reasoning mind"; Vedanta calls it the
Level six is existential, or vision-logic, a logic which is not divisive but inclusive, integrating, networking, joining.What Aurobindo called the "higher mind"; in
Buddhism, the manas. It is a very integrative structure. Particularly, it is capable of integrating the mind and body into a higher-order union, which I call the "centaur," symbolizingmind-body union (not