「麦当劳 」陷性骚扰风波,面临25起员工诉讼!

「麦当劳 」陷性骚扰风波,面临25起员工诉讼!

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-05-24 09:49 被阅读0次


这25起诉讼中,包含最新的三桩:其中一起由前员工提起,另外两起由美国平等就业机会委员会( U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ,简称:EEOC)提出。

这些案件由美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union,简称ACLU)披露,涵盖麦当劳公司在20座美国城市所存在的不当行为,包括抚摸、不雅暴露、性骚扰和猥琐言论。

McDonald's faces 25 new sexual harassment complaints from workers


McDonald’s Corp was accused on Tuesday in 25 new lawsuits and regulatory charges of condoning sexual harassment in the workplace and retaliating against employees who speak up.

  • be accused on ..... 被控告犯有…

  • lawsuits 法律诉讼

  • sexual harassment 性骚扰

  • administrative lawsuits 行政诉讼

  • hostile lawsuits 恶意诉讼

  • handle lawsuits 打官司

  • condone /kən'don/: If someone condones behaviour that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen. 纵容

  • retaliating against 报复

  • 诉讼函中披露,这25名员工遇到的职场性骚扰行为包括触摸、不雅曝光、性骚扰和猥亵言论,最小的受害者仅16岁。麦当劳将在达拉斯举办年度股东大会,美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)和致力性别平等组织“Times Up”支持这些员工提起诉讼。

    The cases announced by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the labor group Fight for $15, and the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund cover alleged misconduct at McDonald’s locations in 20 U.S. cities, including groping, indecent exposure, propositions for sex, and lewd comments.

  • the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)  美国公民自由联盟

  • groping 触摸;咸猪手

  • indecent exposure 不雅曝光;暴露狂

  • propositions for sex 性骚扰

  • lewd comments 猥亵言论

  • McDonald’s is one of the world’s most recognizable brands, and the cases make the fast-food chain a primary target of a campaign to extend the #MeToo movement, which sprung from sexual harassment cases in Hollywood, to the workplace.

  • recognizable brands 具有影响力品牌

  • fast-food chain  快餐连锁店

  • 麦当劳公司资料显示,该公司在美国拥有14000家门店,工作人员数量超过85万名。不过,麦当劳90%的门店都是特许经营的形式,麦当劳一直认为,该公司不应该对特许经营餐厅的员工行为负责。

    The Chicago-based company said it has more than 14,000 locations in the United States with some 850,000 workers.More than 90 percent of the locations are franchised, and McDonald’s has long maintained it should not be liable for how employees in franchised restaurants behave.

  • be liable for 有…责任;有…义务

  • franchise 特许经营权

  • 据路透社报道,麦当劳CEO Steve Easterbrook称,该公司已经进行了改进,更加明晰地制定了有关骚扰的政策,对更多特许经营所有者进行了培训,该公司还将对一线员工进行培训,并设立投诉热线。

    Chief Executive Steve Easterbrook said his company has improved and more clearly defined its harassment policies, has trained most franchise owners, and will be training front-line employees and setting up a complaint hotline.

  • franchise owners 特许经营所有者

  • front-line employee 一线员工

  • complaint hotline 投诉热线

  • “McDonald’s is sending a clear message that we are committed to creating and sustaining a culture of trust where employees feel safe, valued and respected,” Easterbrook wrote in letters this week to Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth and “Top Chef” host Padma Lakshmi, who supports the workers’ cause.

    Jamelia Fairley是一位单身母亲,在位于佛州桑福德的一家麦当劳工作,时薪为9.6美元。在她举报了在工作环境中对其进行性骚扰的人后,麦当劳并没有解雇骚扰她的人,而她的老板将她的工作时间从每周25个小时减少到7个小时,这使其每周收入降至约67美元。

    Jamelia Fairley, a single mother who makes $9.60 an hour at a corporate-owned McDonald’s in Sanford, Florida, told reporters she went to the EEOC after a co-worker began groping her, rubbing against her and saying he could “give me a ride.” She said that after she reported the harassment, McDonald’s transferred but did not fire her harasser, while her boss cut her weekly hours to seven from 25,“Trying to raise a 2-year old on $67 a week is, well, I can’t do it,” Fairley said.


    be accused on ..... 被控告犯有…

    lawsuits 法律诉讼

    sexual harassment 性骚扰

    administrative lawsuits 行政诉讼

    hostile lawsuits 恶意诉讼

    handle lawsuits 打官司

    condone 纵容

    retaliating against 报复

    the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)  美国公民自由联盟

    groping 触摸;咸猪手

    indecent exposure 不雅曝光;暴露狂

    propositions for sex 性骚扰

    lewd comments 猥亵言论

    recognizable brands 具有影响力品牌

    fast-food chain  快餐连锁店

    be liable for 有…责任;有…义务

    franchise 特许经营权

    franchise owners 特许经营所有者

    front-line employee 一线员工

    complaint hotline 投诉热线
















      本文标题:「麦当劳 」陷性骚扰风波,面临25起员工诉讼!
