beyond feelings启示录-chapter1-who

beyond feelings启示录-chapter1-who

作者: 网事_79a3 | 来源:发表于2018-06-06 17:24 被阅读0次

    Beyond Feelings
    A Guide to Critical Thinking

    9 edition-----Vincent Ryan Ruggiero






    The book has three main sections. The first, “The Context,” will help you understand such important concepts as individuality,critical thinking, truth, knowledge, opinion, evidence, and argument and overcome attitudes and ideas that obstruct critical thinking. The second section,“The Pitfalls,” will teach you to recognize and avoid the most common errors in thinking. The third section, “A Strategy,” will help you acquire the various skills used in addressing problems and issues. This section includes tips on identifying and overcoming your personal intellectual weaknesses as well as techniques for becoming more observant, clarifying issues,conducting inquiries, evaluating evidence, analyzing other people’s views, and making sound judgments.






    Chapter 1 Who Are You?

    The Influence of Time and Place

    The Influence of Ideas

    The Influence of Mass Culture

    The “Science” of Manipulation

    The Influence of Psychology

    Becoming an Individual

    Chapter 2 What Is Critical Thinking?

    Mind, Brain, or Both?

    Critical Thinking Defined

    Characteristics of Critical Thinkers

    The Role of Intuition

    Basic Activities in Critical Thinking

    Critical Thinking and Writing

    Critical Thinking and Discussion

    Avoiding Plagiarism

    Chapter 3 What Is Truth?

    Where Does It All Begin?

    Imperfect Perception

    Imperfect Memory

    Deficient Information

    Even the Wisest Can Err

    Truth Is Discovered, Not Created

    Understanding Cause and Effect

    Chapter 4 What Does It Mean to Know?

    Requirements of Knowing

    Testing Your Own Knowledge

    How We Come to Know

    Why Knowing Is Difficult

    A Cautionary Tale

    Is Faith a Form of Knowledge?

    Obstacles to Knowledge

    Chapter 5 How Good Are Your Opinions?

    Opinions Can Be Mistaken

    Opinions on Moral Issues

    Even Experts Can Be Wrong

    Kinds of Errors

    Informed Versus Uninformed Opinion

    Forming Opinions Responsibly

    Chapter 6 What Is Evidence?

    Kinds of Evidence

    Evaluating Evidence

    What Constitutes Sufficient Evidence?

    Chapter 7 What Is Argument?

    The Parts of an Argument

    Evaluating Arguments

    More Difficult Arguments


    PART THREE A Strategy

    Chapter 14 Knowing Yourself

    Critical Thinking Inventory

    Using Your Inventory

    Challenge and Reward

    Chapter 15 Being Observant

    Observing People

    Observation in Science and Medicine

    The Range of Application

    Becoming More Observant

    Reflecting on Your Observations

    Chapter 16 Selecting an Issue

    The Basic Rule: Less Is More

    How to Limit an Issue

    Sample Issue: Pornography

    Sample Issue: Boxing

    Sample Issue: Juvenile Crime

    Narrowing the Issue Further

    Chapter 17 Conducting Inquiry

    Working with Inconclusive Results

    Where to Look for Information

    Keeping Focused

    How Much Inquiry Is Enough?

    Managing Lengthy Material

    Chapter 18 Forming a Judgment

    Evaluating Evidence

    Evaluating Your Sources’ Arguments

    Making Important Distinctions

    Expressing Judgments

    Chapter 19 Persuading Others

    Guidelines for Persuasion

    An Unpersuasive Presentation

    A Persuasive Presentation



    每个人看起来都各自不同,但其实却受到不同因素的影响,这些影响包括5个方面。The Influence of Time and Place ,The Influence of Ideas ,The Influence of Mass Culture,The “Science” of Manipulation ,The Influence of Psychology。

    “Five minutes is late but permissible for a business appointment in the U.S., but thirty minutes is normal in Arab countries. In England five to fifteen minutes is the ‘correct’ lateness for one invited to dinner; an Italian might come two hours late, an Ethiopian still later, a Javanese not at all, having accepted only to prevent his host’s losing face.”

    “ 5分钟已经算是迟到,但在美国商务会面时是可容忍的,但是,在阿拉伯国家,迟到30分钟是正常的。在英国,一个人受邀请共进晚餐,5到1 5分钟属于‘恰当’的迟到时间;一个意大利人也许会迟到两个小时;埃塞俄比亚人会更迟;爪哇人甚至根本不来,接受邀请目的仅仅是不让主人没面子。”


    To appreciate the influence of ideas in people’s lives,consider the series of events set in motion by an idea that was popular in psychology more than acentury ago and whose influence continues to this day—the idea that“intelligence is genetically determined and cannot be increased.”



    Television programmers use frequent scene shifts and sensory appeals such as car crashes,violence, and sexual encounters to keep audience interest from diminishing. Then they add frequent commercial interruptions. This author has analyzed the attention shifts that television viewers are subjected to. In a dramatic program, for example, attention shifts might include camera angle changes;shifts in story line from one set of characters (or subplot) to another, or from a present scene to a past scene (flashback), or to fantasy;and shifts to “newsbreaks,” to commercial breaks, from one commercial to another, and back to the program. Also included might be shifts of attention that occur within commercials. I found as many as 78 shifts per hour, excluding the shifts within commercials. The number of shifts within commercials ranged from 6 to 54 and averaged approximately 17 per fifteen-second commercial. The total number of attention shifts came out to over 800 per hour, or over 14 perminute.



    research has shown that human memory can be manipulated. The way a question is asked can change the details in a person’s memory and even make a person remember something that never happened!


    Of course,advertisers and people with political or social agendas are not content to stimulate emotions and/or plant ideas in our minds. They also seek to reinforce hose impressions by repeating them again and again. The more people hear aslogan or talking point, the more familiar it becomes. Before long, it becomes indistinguishable from ideas developed through careful thought



    The social and psychological theories of our time also have an impact on our beliefs. Before the past few decades, people were urged to be self-disciplined, self-critical, and self-effacing. They were urged to practice self-denial, to aspire to self-knowledge, to behave in a manner that ensured they maintained self-respect. Self-centeredness was considered a vice. “Hard work,” they were told, “leads to achievement, and that in turn produces satisfaction and self-confidence.”



    In light of what we have discussed, we should regard individuality not as something we are born with but rather as something acquired—or, more precisely, earned. Individuality begins in the realization that it is impossible to escape being influenced by other people and by circumstance. The essence of individuality is vigilance.


    1. Treat your first reaction to any person, issue, or situation as tentative. No matter how appealing it may be,refuse to embrace it until you have examined it.


    2.Decide why you reacted as you did. Consider whether you borrowed the reaction from someone else—a parent or friend, perhaps, or a celebrity or fictional character on television. If possible, determine what specific experiences conditioned you to react this way.


    3. Think of other possible reactions you might have had to the person, issue, or situation.


    4.Ask yourself whether one of the other reactions is more appropriate than your first reaction. And when you answer, resist the influence of your conditioning.




        本文标题:beyond feelings启示录-chapter1-who
