
作者: Monsieurbillsjy | 来源:发表于2018-03-10 12:56 被阅读0次


    Nothing would have happened if there were no record.

    #感谢那些应该感谢的 原谅那些可以原谅的。我们有的时候欠彼此一个感谢和包容。

    Thank those deserve our thanks, and forgive those could be forgiven. Sometimes, we own each other a thanks or forgiveness.

    展示那些应该展示的 回忆那些值得回忆的。我们有的时候欠关心我们的人一个成功和记忆。

    Show those need to be shown and recall those worth recalling. Sometimes, we own those who care about us a success or memory.


    Information is not important, while the key is to transform it into knowledge; nor is knowledge, but the application of it; even application is not, for the essence is to apply it appropriately.

    感动=感恩+行动      Being moved=gratitude + action

    1.  要么培养不可取代的让人喜欢的性格,要么培养不可取代的专业能力。

    We can either cultivate the irreplaceable lovely personality, or equip ourselves with the unique professional competence. 

    2. 所谓的铁饭碗,是指一辈子都有饭吃的能力。

    The so-called iron bowl refers to our lifelong ability to make a living.


    Who is to be responsible for the current investment on your study? It is you yourself, rather than the company you serve.


    Let’s transform our family members into friends, and friends into family members.


    Nowadays, the relation between employees and enterprises is not your solo reliance on the company, but a mutual one, that is, the company also relies on you.


    Talents are not the core competitiveness of a company, but the application and management of them. Nor are employers the biggest asset, only the right ones are.


    Only when one can know people can s/he unite them.


    What determines the effect is not the way we like, but the one favored by our receivers.


    If you still don’t have the ability to adjust at the present, it makes no difference who you meet.


    This is a time when understanding is more important than love.


    Some get seasickness, some carsickness, and some life sickness. While some don’t live even two same days, others repeat the same single day for over decades.


    Information is not important, while the key is to transform it into knowledge; nor is knowledge, but the application of it; even application is not, for the essence is to apply it appropriately.


    You should be fully responsible for your own happiness, delight and success. Thus, we need to manage our health, knowledge, time, happiness and interpersonal relationship.


    “Can we get it?” There is no answer to this question. Then “When can we get it?” It is up to you. 


    Who you are is not important, which only stands for your past. What really counts is who you want to become in the future.


    There is no advantage or disadvantage in our personality. There is only characteristic. The differences among personalities surpass those between genders.


    The classification and sharing of our information will inspire others and also concentrate resources.


    The past experience for your success may become the reasons for your future failure.


    Only when the managers are willing to put off their fear and pride can they make breakthrough.


    Recognition doesn’t mean understanding.


    Our pity in life may lie in expressing ourselves or interpreting others wrongly.


    Excellent managers excel in using the potential resources.


    We study to encounter the better ourselves.


    The antonym of love is not hate, but indifference.


    The successful leaders are capable of creating and shifting the atmosphere.


    While accomplishing the tasks, the relationship also counts. Tasks well done, relationship favorably strengthened.


    Please take good care of yourself when alone. And take good care of each other when together.


    We only believe the words uttered by those we believe in.


    So many times, the barriers from being excellent to being superb originate from the past experience. 


    We have all learned how to love others through being loved.


    Where there is a goal, there is a way.


    Complementation: the more independent we are, the more we can depend on each other. 


    Position: understanding ourselves leads to better development, and the right position devotes to exploiting our advantage.


    Circumstance: I have gone through the turmoil and tribulation you never know, while you show superb warmth out of my reach.


    Control: the first minute I step on the stage, I know clearly how to get off.


    Direction: to a ship without direction, no wind is forward.


    Persistence produces power.


    The more involved, the more devoted, the more gained.


    Presentation: every silent effect mounted will lead to enormous outcome in the public one day.


    Response: it is not the matter itself, but the response you’ve chosen that harms yourself.


    Purpose: whether you help others to become Buda, or you become Buda because you’re always ready to help others.


    Moving: don’t intend to change others, but influence others in the way accepted by them. Give others what they need in the way they like.


    All-in: devote all yourself and spare no effects rather than just try your best.


    Perseverance: you can be knocked down, but never defeated.


    Gratitude: the future you will thank you for what you are doing at the present.


    Power: your power is out of your imagination.


    Endeavor: the majority of us haven’t worked hard enough to compete with our talents.


    Struggle: what is fearful is not that they are more excellent, but they even struggle more diligently.


    Adventure: practice, try out, give lessons and earn the money back.


    Influence: we don’t do something because we are on some position. We become influential naturally because of the things we have done.


    Accumulation: So many times, slowness just means speed.


    Master: not only should we make masters greater, but also let everyone have the opportunity to become masters.

    54.认可:我要让你无法被阻挡,我要让万人为你鼓掌。Recognition: I want you to proceed with reckless abandon, with tens of thousands of people clapping their hands for you.

    55    能力:把自己的幸福快乐建立在能力而不是运气上。Ability: we should base our happiness on ability rather than on luck.

    56    相处:识别对方风格、尊重对方需求、做好对方搭档.  Accompanying: recognize our companion's personality, respect their demand and be a good partner.

    57    解读:最大程度上正面解读他人的行为

    Interpretation: interpret others' behavior positively to the greatest extent.

    58    掌握:很多人的问题是知道太多、掌握太少。Mastering: many people's problem lies in their knowing too much but mastering too little.

    59    发光:每个人都是一颗钻石,关键是要让他发光。Sparkling: everyone is a diamond, and the key is to make it glitter.

    60    对错:透过对错看效果和意义。Right or wrong: we see effect and meaning through checking right or wrong.

    61    行动:不要等到很厉害才开始,你要先开始才会变得很厉害。Action: don't wait to start until you are super, but you should first act to become super.

    62    告白:陪伴是最长情的告白

    Profession: accompanying is the most emotional profession.

    63    运用:听到的不是你的,写得出来、讲得出来才是你的。Application: it doesn't become yours with only listening to it. You still need to write it out as well as speak it out.

    64    教学:教是最好的学

    Teaching and learning: teaching is the best way to learn.

    65    祝福:过去的谢谢你,未来的祝福你。

    Blessings: thank you for what you have done. And best wishes for your future.

    66    蜕变:希望你离开时比来时好。

    Polishing: hope you are much better when leaving than your coming here.

    67    认真:认真是一种态度

    Seriousness: being serious is a kind of attitude.

    68    归宿:起点在哪不重要,重要的是我们要到哪里。Destination: it is not our starting-point but our deserved destination that really counts.

    69    信念:始终相信美好的一切正在到来

    Belief: always hold the firm belief that the best is coming.

    70    靠谱:一帮靠谱的人在一起把一切不可能变成可能

    Reliance: a group of reliable people turn impossibility into possibility.

    71    DISC:D给这个世界带来希望;I给这个世界带来快乐;S给这个世界带来和平;C给这个世界带来智慧

    DISC: D brings this world hope; I happiness; S peace and C wisdom.

    72    取舍:从优秀到卓越,要能放下骄傲与恐惧。Gain and loss: from excellence to superb, we need to lay off our pride and fear.

    73    进步:我有犯错误的勇气和快速修正的能力。Progress: I have the courage to fear no mistake and the ability to get quick correction.

    74    自控:一个人可以搞定自己的性格,上帝都奈何不了你。Self-control: for those who can control their personality, God will grant all their demands.

    75    天堂:你在哪里,哪里就是天堂。

    Paradise: where you are, where the paradise is.

    76    收获:你想从一整座花园得到的东西,在一朵花中就可以得到。

    Harvest: what you want to get from a whole garden, you can gain from a single flower.

    77    长久:一个人可以走得很快,一群人会走的很久。

    Long-lasting: while an individual may walk fast, a group can march long.

    78    团队:没有完美的个人,但有机会有完美的团队. Team: there exists no perfect individual, but does exist the chance to form a perfect team.

    79    Assured:不念过去,不畏未来。

    Neither miss the past too much nor fear anything in the future.

    80    方法:不为失败找借口,要为成功找方法。

    Method: never find excuses for failure, but search methods for success.

    81    满足:小小的幸福有小小的满足,不必每件事都惊天动地。Satisfaction: even tiny happiness brings small satisfaction. So it is unnecessary to do everything with great movement.

    82    所得:要不成功,要不成长,要不得到,要不学到。Gain: either succeed, or grow; either obtain, or acquire.

    83    漂亮:长得漂亮是优势,活的漂亮是本事。

    Beautiful: it is an advantage to have a beautiful look, but a capability to live a beautiful life.

    84    分清:分清自己的事、他人的事、老天的事。

    Distinguish: be able to distinguish and know what is my own business, and that of others' as well as of the God's.

    85    勇气:勇气不是不害怕,而是哪怕害怕也要继续走下去。Courage: courage doesn't mean that we have no fear, but that even with fear we still move on.

    86    变化:过去的成功经验有可能恰好成为你未来失败的原因。

    Change: the past successful experience can just be the cause of your future failure.

    87    熟悉:从忍受到接受,需要你理解他;从接受到享受,需要你了解他。Familiarity: you need to understand him so you can first bear and then accept him. But to enjoy his accompanying, you need to really know him.

    88    成熟:成熟的人能理解自己的情绪、控制自己的行为。Maturity: those who are mature can understand their own emotions and control their behaviors as well.

    89    每个人心中都有一团火,路过的人只看到烟。There is a cluster of fire in everyone's heart, but the passer-by can only see the smoke.

    90    LOVE:我爱你不光是因为你的样子,还有我和你在一起时我的样子。

    LOVE: I love you not only because of your appearance, but also my own when staying together with you.

    91    规律:深处种菱浅种稻,不深不浅种荷花。

    Law: we grow plants according to the depth of the water, with water chestnuts in the deep places, rice in the shallow, and lotus in between. Similarly, we should have our own suitable positions.

    92    接受:我有能力百分百接受别人的爱与支持。Acceptance: I am competent to completely accept others' love and support.

    93    短暂:生命太短暂了,没时间恨一个人那么久。

    Brevity: life is too brief to hate someone that long.

    94    气质:你如今的气质里藏着你读过的书、走过的路和爱过的人。Disposition: your present disposition contains the books you've read, the journey you've taken and the guys you've lost your heart to.

    95    辜负:每一个不曾起舞的日子都是对生命的辜负。Waste: every day without passion and excitement is a waste of life.

    96    交流:常与同好争高下,不与傻瓜论长短。Communication: we should often debate with our friends to become sharper-witted, but never fool ourselves discussing nonsense.

    97    感受:真正美好的东西是用眼睛看不到的,而是要用心灵。Feel: the truly beautiful things are invisible, but can only be felt with our heart.

    98    答案:答案在你自己心中

    Key: the key is in your own heart.

    99    不同:学习不同的,而不是学习对的

    Difference: learn something different, not just something right.

    100 助推:透由成就别人来成就自己。

    Assistant-coach: gain growth through assisting others.

    101 和谐:你好 我好 世界好

    Harmony: you're fine, so are I and the rest of the world.

    102 经验:有人拥有很多经验,有人只是把一个经验用了很多年。

    Experience: some are really experienced, while some only apply the same experience all through the years.

    103 善待:照顾好自己

    Kindness: take good care of ourselves.

    104 气度:年轻时成功靠气势、成熟后成功靠气度。Bosom and grace: when young, we succeed by will and spirit, when mature, bosom and grace.

    105 直播:人生没有彩排,每天都是直播

    Live broadcast: life has no rehearsal, but all live broadcast.

    106 王冠:欲戴王冠,必承其重。

    Crown: to wear the crown, we should be able to bear the burden.

    107 爱情:始于颜值、陷于才华、忠于人品

    Amor: it starts from the appearance, then strengthened by talents and eventually maintained with qualities.

    108 拥有:你赞美别人的,你都拥有;你能发现美,因为你有美的眼睛和心灵。

    Possess: you possess all that you find shining in others, and you are able to find it, because you own sparkling eyes and beautiful mind.

    109 价值:不做失败的协助

    Value: never be the assistant to failure.

    110 内在:真正的力量来自内在

    Inner: the real strength comes from the inner.


    The biggest regret of life is not that I can't, but that I could yet I didn't do it.


    We have all learned how to love others through being loved.


    Feel with our heart what others have done with their hearts.







