

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-03-19 12:48 被阅读0次


英文 中文
The Secretary is so sorry, Mr. Ambassador. 国务卿女士深表歉意大使先生
She was called away to a meeting at the White House. 她被叫去白宫开会了
Hmm, regarding the talks with Iran, no doubt. 肯定是跟伊朗方面谈判的问题吧
I hear there's a snag. 听说出现了小摩擦
Of course, you couldn't say, could you? 想必你就算知道也不能告诉我
She did want me to tell you 她让我转告您
that Canada is a very high priority. 加拿大是极其重要的盟友
Very nice of her to say. 谢谢她的廖赞
What you're looking at, Mr. President, is an act of war 您现在目睹的是伊朗伊斯兰共和国
on the part of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 单方面挑起的战争行为
I'm looking at a building that could be a Walmart. 我只能看到一栋楼说不定是家沃尔玛呢
It's the heavy-water production plant, Sir. 这是一座重水生产厂总统
It's the same heavy-water reactor the Iranians 伊朗方面在一周前同意了
agreed to halt construction on over a week ago. 停止这所重水厂的建造
Sir, I've been negotiating. 总统先生我一直在和各方谈判
I'm getting nowhere with these people here in Vienna 但近十八个月来国际法庭方面表示毫无对策
for almost 18 months. 谈判一事进展堪忧
和平宫 奥地利维也纳
Right now, if you ask me, I need to go in that room 要让我说我们现在就应该走进法庭
and tell them the talking is over. 宣布谈判崩裂
What are you proposing, Allen? 你有什么建议艾伦
Well, Sir, we have a squadron 总统先生我们有一组F-18战机
of F-18's on a carrier in the Gulf. 正在西亚海湾的航母上待命
They can be over that thing in 40, 45 minutes. 四十到四十五分钟内就能到达目的地
And then boom...you won't need a satellite 把那厂夷为平地到时候你们不需要卫星云图
to know that something's going on. 都能看清楚发生什么事了
Uh, so we're clear, 请容我确认一下
as Chief U.S. Negotiator for the Middle East peace talks, 作为美国中东和平事项的首席谈判官
you are recommending a threat of military 你是在提议我们对伊朗
aggression against Iran. 作出军事性威胁
Correct. 正是
The trouble with a threat is 作出威胁的问题是
you have to be ready to act on it. 你得准备好兑现威胁
Elizabeth? 伊丽莎白
Sir? 总统先生
You agree with Mr. Bollings? 你同意博林先生的提议吗
Well, he's-he's been in the room since day one, Sir. 这件事他从第一天就开始跟进总统先生
Right. He was Secretary Marsh's appointment. 对了是前国务卿马什命他前往谈判的
Under your advisement, Mr. President. 当时您也同意了总统先生
Of course. 当然
But now I'd like to know what my new Secretary of State thinks. 但现在我想听听新任国务卿的看法
Wasn't there some discussion that if the Iranians 我方是不是考虑过
shut down this particular reactor on schedule, 如果伊朗方面同意按时停止建造重水厂
we would give them something in return? 我方会做出相应的补偿吗
We did discuss lifting the ban on airplane parts. 我们的确谈过取消飞机零件贸易的禁止令
Right, because we haven't given them any new parts or planes 没错因为我们自伊朗革命后
since the Revolution. 就停止向他们销售飞机零件了
Maybe it's time to put that on the table. 也许是时候以此为筹码进行谈判了
You can't reward this kind of action... 你不能以奖赏纵容这样的行为...
No, no. It's not a reward, 不这不是奖赏
if you also stipulate they have to allow inspectors. 你还得要求他们允许我方派遣审查员
To make sure that that thing is turned off 在他们声称已经关闭的时期
when they say it's turned off. 确保工厂处于关闭状态
Something the Iranians have refused to do up until now. 这是目前为止伊朗方面一直拒绝的一点
Carrot and Stick. 软硬兼施
I like it. 我喜欢
Do you think you could make that work, Allen? 你觉得这计划可行吗艾伦
Well, I can try, Sir. 我会努力的总统先生
If you both think it will work. 若两位都认为此计可行的话
I do. 我认为可行
And it had better. 这事最好能成
Otherwise... 否则...
There's no way Iran gets a nuclear weapon on my watch. 我不会让伊朗在我任期内遭受核弹袭击
Otherwise, it's war. 否则战火将再次燃起
So, we're going with "the peace talks 所以就写"我们要继续跟伊朗方面
in Vienna with Iran are continuing"? 在维也纳的和平谈判"吗
And we continue to look for progress. "我们将继续展望谈判进展"
Well, we can't say continue twice... 不能连用两次"继续"
it sounds desperate. 听起来有技穷的感觉
Just keep it short and simple. 保持简介明了就好
Nothing to sound the alarms. 别提任何敏感词
We've given them 48 hours to shut down the reactor. 我们给伊朗方面四十八小时关闭工厂
After that, say a prayer 在那之后只能跟
to whatever God you pray to by whatever name. 你们相信的各方诸神祈祷了
Sorry. Did I just bring the mood down? 抱歉我把气氛搞压抑了吗
You're in good hands with Mr. Bollings, Ma'am. 博林先生办事您大可放心国务卿女士
- Really? - As U.S. special envoy, -真的吗-作为美国特使
well, he negotiated the settlement in Northern Ireland. 他一手促成了北爱尔兰岛和谈
- Brought about the cease-fire in Kosovo. - Yeah. -止住了科索沃的战火-没错
And he's rumored to be on the short list 传闻声称他极有可能获得
for a Nobel Prize. 诺贝尔和平奖
So I've heard. A lot. 他的光辉事迹我早有耳闻
Why are you all out here? 你们为什么都待在外头
The Honorable Lester Clark, Ambassador of Canada, 加拿大驻美大使莱斯特·克拉克阁下
is still in your office. 还在您办公室等您
Holy crap! 我的妈呀
Which is not soundproof. 而且您的办公室并不隔音
Damn it. 我去
Is he mad? 他生气了吗
In a Canadian kind of way. 对加拿大人来说算是生气了吧
Is this about that explosion on the pipeline? 他是为输油管爆炸一事来的吗
- It's probably about the party. - Which party? -有可能是为了舞会的事-什么舞会
The reception Canada's throwing for her 本周末加方要在大使馆
at their embassy this weekend, 为她举行宴会
welcoming her to her new job. 庆贺她新官上任
Oh, wait, not everybody made the list. 看来不是每个人都会被邀请呢
The meeting could be about both. 两件事皆有可能
And not to worry, we're all on the list. 不必担心我们都被邀请了
And we're all plus one. 而且都需要携带伴侣
You guys bringing Callie and Winthrop? 你们要带上科莉和温索普吗
- Carly. - He prefers Win. -是卡莉-他习惯被叫温
Well, whatever. Just let me know 随便了记得把名字交上来
so I can put their names on the list. 我好把他们加入宾客列表中
Are you bringing a date, Blake? 你要携伴出席吗布莱克
- Yes. - Anybody we know? -要-是我们认识的人吗
Not yet. 目前还不认识
He never identifies a gender. 他从没说过性别
It's rude to ask, too, right? 如果问的话也很无礼对吧
He knows...about us. 他知道... 我俩的事
He does not. Every time this happens, 他不知道每次发生这事
you think everybody knows. 你总觉得大家都知道
This does not happen enough times to create a ratio. 也没发生多少次吧就能出这样的比率了
Last night was an aberration. 昨晚就是一错误
Yes. Our sixth aberration? 是啊我们犯的第六次错吗
Best to date in my opinion. 我倒觉得是到目前为止最好的一次
Look, it only happens when we work late under pressure 只有在我们顶着压力工作到很晚然后有人说
and someone says -- I admit, usually me -- "来杯龙舌兰有什么关系"的时候才会发生
a tequila shot couldn't hurt. 我承认通常都是我说的
So we have to not do that anymore. 我们不能再这么做了
Because I'm with Win and you're with Callie. 因为我现在跟温在一起而你跟科莉在一起
- Carly. - These episodes are dishonest and weak. -卡莉-这样既不诚实又很软弱
And fun. 但是很有趣
But mostly dishonest and weak. 但主要还是既不诚实又软弱
Look, I mean it. 我说真的
Last night was the absolute last time. 昨晚绝对是最后一次了
Absolutely. 绝对是
It's clearly an act of eco-terrorism 这显然是生态恐怖主义行为
aimed at stopping the building 意图阻止我们两国之间
of a link between our two countries. 建立联系
Well, whatever it was, it happened 不管是什么
on Canadian soil... 这发生在加拿大领土内
or Canadian arctic tundra. 或者说是加拿大极地冻原
Forgive me. 恕我无礼
But it's subarctic taiga. 应该是亚北极针叶林
It isn't tundra unless there's permafrost. 没有永久冻土层就算不上冻原
My mistake. 我的错
But until we know the motives and nationality 但在我们弄清应为此负责的人的
of the people responsible, 动机和国籍之前
we can't say what it... 我们不能...
clearly is or isn't. 断言是非
Madam Secretary. 国务卿女士
My government has been very clear 我国政府对输油管
about its commitment to this pipeline. 的态度非常明确
Can you say the same? 你们能保持一致吗
No, not until you make it clear why you're asking. 不行你得先说清楚为何会质疑这一点
Well, the State Department -- your State Department -- 国务院你们的国务院
is sitting on a report. 已经收到了报告
The Environmental Impact Assessment of the Pipeline. 《输油管环境影响评估》
I haven't had a chance to review that. 我还没来得及看
It was prepared under my predecessor. 那是上一任国务卿监管的
Yes. Secretary Marsh 没错国务卿马什
assured me last time we talked in this office 上次在这间办公室里向我保证
that its conclusions would be favorable. 结果将是皆大欢喜的
Look... 听我说...
the longer you withhold this report, 这份报告你拖得越久
the more hope you give these bomb-throwers 就会给这些埋炸弹的人以及环保激进分子
and eco-activists that they can pressure you 更多希望进一步给你施压
into killing the pipeline. 来扼杀输油管的铺设
Is that what you want? 那会是你想要的吗
Wow. I-I-I don't know which fallacy to start with. 如此多谬误我不知道从何说起了




