Norman的《Emotional Design》里提到过产品设计的三个层面,本能、行为和反思。在《About Face 4》里,则相应地总结出了User Goals的三个阶段:Experience Goals、End Goals和Life Goals,读完以后思考和共鸣很多,写下此篇读书笔记记录。
Experience Goals
“Experience goals express how someone wants to feel while using a product, or the quality of his or her interaction with the product.”
“Any product that egregiously violates experience goals will ultimately fail, regardless of how well it purports to achieve other goals.”
User Goals的第一个阶段,Experience Goals就像字面上那样,描述的是用户对使用产品时的感受的期待,比如聪明、有趣、酷炫等,而非愚蠢和不适。Experience Goals是User Goals的基础,声称达到了其他目标却没有做好Experience Goals的产品最终难免失败。
有些公司非常具有战略意识前瞻性,早在大潮到来前几年就推出了相关的产品或设计语言等,但这些超前的设计却无法帮助公司占据市场的先机,反而在几年后被其他公司后来居上。我想大概有个原因就是Experience Goals没有打磨好,除去一小撮乐于接受新事物的极客型用户,大部分用户学习理解的成本过高,因而在心理上排斥使用,最终将这些超前的产品设计导向不冷不热甚至完全失败;而后来居上的公司提出的概念也许不再新鲜,但却在细节体验上打磨得更加精致易理解,也就更容易为用户接受和使用,进而取得产品的成功。
End Goals
“End goals represent the user’s motivation for performing the tasks associated with using a specific product. ”
“End goals should be among the most significant factors in determining the overall product experience. End goals must be met for users to think that a product is worth their time and money.”
第二个阶段是End Goals,用户也许会在短期内因为体验好玩有趣而使用某个产品,但如果想让用户长期使用下去,就必须触及到用户的动机层面,帮用户解决实实在在的问题痛点,让用户觉得值得为这个产品花费时间和精力。
“Interaction designers must use end goals as the foundation for a product’s behaviors, tasks, look, and feel. ”
对于交互设计师来说,把握住End Goals非常重要,它是分析和设计产品的重要基础。视觉设计师也许关注Experience Goals就够了,但交互设计师必须思考到更深入的层面,怎样比竞品更好地、实实在在地帮用户解决问题和痛点。
Life Goals
“Life goals describe a persona’s long-term desires, motivations, and self-image attributes, which cause the persona to connect with a product. These goals are the focus of a product’s overall design, strategy, and branding.”
“Addressing users’ life goals makes the difference (assuming that other goals are also met) between a satisfied user and a fanatically loyal user.”
第三个阶段Life Goals,则可以描述角色长期的愿景、动机、自我形象等,为角色和产品建立联系,这是产品整体的设计、战略和品牌应该关注的地方,它能为产品带来真正狂热、忠诚的用户,而不是只停留在满意的阶段。
Experience goals, which are related to visceral processing: how the user wants to feel
End goals, which are related to behavior: what the user wants to do
Life goals, which are related to reflection: who the user wants to be