fresh man

作者: 翔于 | 来源:发表于2017-07-23 20:26 被阅读51次

what  can i do

for  you  now

you are not single when the time come to tomorrow

i am still the single

and i can't wait for you

you never know the pain and you shouldn't know

i am lingering at  my home

should i tell you

i don't want to lose you

but time is coming soon

the clock is on time

and maybe i should keep my mouth shouting up

fresh air goes into my window

and my heart

i see hope in your eyes

my heart won't die in tomorrow

when i leave your wedding feast

i am a fresh man

god make no one faultless

including the one persuade you


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  • Willingheart:Pain of losing the lover is expressed clearly through the melancholy little poem. I suggest fresh man changed to newborn man since fresh man usually mean those in the first year at university. Besides, linger should add one preposition since it's an intransitive verb here, so it should be "linger at my home."

本文标题:fresh man
