1. Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis identifies synthetic smooth muscle cells as an emerging cell type in human dissected aorta
Fig 1a: 为了探究temporal AD病程中的驱动SMCs表型转变的细胞类型和病理机制,作者对STAAD的9例患者(acute AD: 4, subacute AD: 3, chronic AD: 2)的升主动脉组织进行了单细胞测序。
Fig 1b-c: 一共得到12个细胞群,包括6个免疫细胞群和6个非免疫细胞群。
Fig 1d-e: Synthetic MSC只在动脉夹层患者样本中存在。
These results suggest that synthetic SMCs are an AD-specific emerging cluster.

2. The potential origin and characteristics of the emerging synthetic smooth muscle cells in human aortic dissection
The switch of SMCs from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype is the key event driving aortic degeneration and dissection.
Fig 2a-b: 为了探究合成型SMC的来源和功能,作者对非免疫细胞进行了2次聚类,得到了17个亚群。其中收缩SMC高表达收缩相关基因,包括MYH11, ACTA2, MYL9 和 TAGLN。其他SMC的收缩相关基因表达较低。增殖SMC高表达细胞周期相关基因 CCND1,两群MP样SMC高表达巨噬细胞基因(不是双细胞?)高表达经典合成marker如COL1A1, COL1A2和COL3A1的合成型SMC被注释成了3群,包括fibro-like SMCs, lipo-SMCs, 和 fibromyocytes。
The high enrichment of synthetic markers and the lower preservation of contractile genes in synthetic SMCs might reflect a disease-specific population shift from contraction to synthesis.
Fig 2c: 为了探究表型变化的规律,作者首先对细胞比例进行了统计,作者发现,AD中contractile SMCs的比例显著更低,而synthetic SMCs显著扩增。
Fig 2d: 对synthetic SMCs的top 50 marker gene的分析提示其基因表达与SMC最为相似。
Fig 2e-f: 拟时序的结果显示contractile SMCs 可以分化为 the other three synthetic clusters。随着分化轨迹,收缩评分下降,合成评分增加。
Fig 2g-i:差异分析和功能富集也提示 Synthetic MSC 具有很强的合成功能。

3. Temporal stage-specific phenotypic transition in human aortic dissection
Fig 3a-b: 随后作者计算了contractile SMC在不同疾病阶段的收缩评分。结果显示收缩SMC在急性和亚急性期收缩基因表达下降。而对三种Synthetic MSC的合成功能分析显示Fibro-like SMC和Fibromyocyte都在急性和亚急性期具有很高的合成基因表达。
Fig 3c-d: Furthermore, both functional scorings of the phenotypic switch and the relative cell number of synthetic SMCs compared with contractile SMCs were notably higher in acute and subacute AD than chronic AD, suggesting a disease temporal- specific phenotypic switch.
phenotypic switch score是怎么算的?
Fig 3e-f: The fitting curve showed higher expression of both scores in the acute and subacute groups compared with the chronic group, suggesting disease temporal- specific ECM remodelling.
Fig 3g-i: In addition, the preferential downregulation of contractile markers and upregulation of synthetic markers (protease, ECM, and inflammatory factors) in the acute and sub- acute groups were further confirmed using medial samples of the human ascending aorta.
All the analysis above supports a disease temporal-specific phenotypic switch in human AD.

4. The AP-1 transcriptional complex mediates the transition of contractile smooth muscle cells to both fibro-like smooth muscle cells and lipo-smooth muscle cells
- 挑驱动表型转变的转录因子
Fig 4a: 为了寻找驱动表型转变的master regulators,作者首先计算了synthetic SMC clusters 和 contractile SMCs 相比的高表达基因中的转录因子(差异性转录因子),发现多种AP-1亚基包括FOS, FOSB, JUN, JUNB, 和 JUND 在fibro-like 和 lipo-SMCs 中显著上调(与contractile SMCs 相比)。
Fig 4b: SCENIC的结果也显示AP-1 regulon 在 fibro-like 和 lipo-SMC clusters 中活跃表达。
Fig 4c-d: 此外,在急性和亚急性 AD 样本中,AP-1D的表达沿着分化轨迹上调。
- 验证AP-1的调控作用
The main AP-1 proteins in mammalian cells are
, and
phosphorylation of their N-terminal domain crucially enhances stability and transactivation potential.
Fig 4e-f: 为了确定AP-1 activation是否发生在medial layer,作者分离了对照和AD患者的升主动脉中层和BAPN (β-aminopropionitrile mono- fumarate) 诱导的AD小鼠组织,在RNA (e) 和蛋白 (f) 水平检测了JUN, JUNB, JUND, FOS和FODB的表达。显示都增加(Ser73磷酸化)。
Fig 4g: 免疫荧光结果显示,在dissected aorta中,p-JUN更多的是与Col1a1+ 而不是 α-SMA+细胞共定位。suggesting the nuclear translocation and activation of AP-1 in synthetic SMCs of AD.
Fig 4h: 在小鼠和人和组织中,AP-1 mRNA的表达与COL1A1和COL5A1正相关,与ACTA2负相关。
Fig 4i: Chip实验显示 the enrichment of p-JUN-specific antibody binding in putative sites of COL5A1, COL1A1, COL1A2, and ApoE.
Fig 4j: 作者分离了primary aoSMCs,使用了AP-1 activator 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)干预。结果显示TPA显著上调了synthetic SMC genes的表达,同时contractile markers表达下降。
Fig 4k: 而使用AP-1 inhibitor T-5224得到了相反的效果。

5. A defect in oxidative phosphorylation acts upstream of activator protein-1 to promote synthetic smooth muscle cell expansion
随后作者探究了AP-1-介导的 phenotypic switching的上游调节分子。
- 找转录因子上游(结合了背景知识从差异和富集分析结果里挑的)
在前面的结果中,差异分析和功能富集结果提示与fibro-like and lipo-SMCs相比,contractile SMCs显著富集到了 adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) metabolic process 和 OXPHOS(2G, H)。
Fig 5a-d: 对 six typical mitochondria-related features 和 OXPHOS 模块随时间轴表达的进一步分析证实了前面富集分析的结果,尤其是OXPHOS 在急性和亚急性 AD中显著下调,提示 OXPHOS 可能以 disease subtype-specific manner负性调节 synthetic SMC 的expansion。
- 找到OXPHOS后在体外对原代aoSMCs给予了OXPHOS的辅因子和抑制剂看是否影响AP-1的表达,磷酸化和核转位。
Fig 5e-i: 为了探究 OXPHOS 是否调节 AP-1 的激活,作者使用了原代 aoSMCs。结果显示使用 mitochondria complex 1–specific inhibitor rotenone
干预细胞可以上调 AP-1 的表达,磷酸化和核转位。相反的,使用CoQ10 (an essential OXPHOS cofactor)得到了相反的效果。 进一步证实了 the requirement of compromised OXPHOS for AP-1 activation.
- Chip 看直接作用
Fig 5j: We next directly examined the involvement of OXPHOS in the AP-1-mediated phenotypic switch of SMCs. We performed ChIP in human aoSMCs and found that the binding of a p-JUN antibody to putative sites within promoter regions of selected synthetic genes was enhanced by rotenone while being diminished by CoQ10
- 对原代aoSMCs给予了OXPHOS的辅因子和抑制剂看是否细胞表型,也就是从contractile SMCs向synthetic SMCs分化(和2一起做的)。
Fig 5k-l: Consistent with these findings, AP-1 inhibition blocked rotenone-induced expression of synthetic genes while it downregulated contractile marker expression.
Fig 5m: Together, these results indicate that defects in OXPHOS act upstream of AP-1 to preferentially promote synthetic SMC expansion.

6. Tumour necrosis factor triggers oxidative phosphorylation–activator protein-1 axis to promote the phenotypic switch
由于AP-1通常被外源性刺激所活化,因此作者进一步探究了触发OXPHOS–AP-1-介导的 phenotypic switch的胞外信号。
Fig 6a: 基因富集结果显示和contractile SMCs相比,Fibro-like SMC和LipoSMC存在着显著的TNF和ECM信号的激活。
Fig 6b: 而且TNF通路的基因,包括 NFKB1A, IRF1, TNFAIP3, CCL2, CXCL2 和 SOCS3都和 AP-1 存在共表达。
这个图跟从单细胞水平解析炎症和纤维化在心衰中的交织作用的Fig 2I一样。
Fig 6c: 而且Fibro-like SMC和LipoSMC细胞的Fibro-like SMC和LipoSMC细胞评分和AP-1 评分都与TNF模块评分呈正相关,suggesting that TNF signalling might be potentially involved in the phenotypic switch of SMCs.
Fig 6d-e: 尽管Tnf的表达在chronic期最高,TNF受体在急性和亚急性期表达较高(附件)。因此作者进行了细胞互作分析,结果发现了a preferential interaction of TNF signalling in both acute and subacute AD。
随后作者探究了TNF对OXPHOS–AP-1 axis的影响
Fig 6f: 结果显示使用 TNF-α 干预 aoSMCs 后,细胞的 ATP levels,膜电位,和 NAD+/NADH都下降,而 CoQ10 restored 这个效应。
Fig 6g-i: TNF-α 干预 aoSMCs 后,细胞的JUN表达上调,磷酸化增加,入核增加。而 CoQ10 abrogated 这个效应。
Fig 6j: TNF-α-mediated downregulation of contractile genes and elevation of synthetic markers were inhibited by co-treatment with either CoQ10 or the AP-1 inhibitor
Fig 6k: These results indicate that TNF signalling dampens OXPHOS and subsequent AP-1 activation to promote synthetic SMC expansion

7. Rewiring of the oxidative phosphorylation–activator protein-1 axis modulates β-aminopropionitrile monofumarate–induced thoracic aortic dissection in mice
由于OXPHOS–AP-1 axis 在 thoracic aorta 促进了SMC的表型转变,作者使用了classical BAPN-induced TAD 小鼠模型探究了OXPHOS–AP-1 axis 在TAD progression 中的作用。
作者对 BAPN-induced mice 给予了 CoQ10 或 TPA 治疗(a)。结果显示 CoQ10 显著降低了 BAPN 组小鼠的死亡率和严重程度 (b, c)。BAPN treatment 28天时,CoQ10显著降低了 aortic ring的最大直径(d, e)。动脉瘤的发生、中膜退化和胶原沉积等在CoQ10治疗后也下降(f, g)。Moreover, CoQ10 elevated contractile markers while downregulating synthetic markers in thoracic aorta (h-k), suggesting that enhancing OXPHOS suppressed the phenotypic switch of contractile SMCs. 而TPA的作用则相反。These data confirm that rewiring of the OXPHOS–AP-1 axis modulates BAPN-induced TAD in mice by regulating the phenotypic transition of SMCs.

8. Targeting activator protein-1 alleviates β-aminopropionitrile monofumarate– induced thoracic aortic dissection in mice by suppressing the phenotypic switch of smooth muscle cells
最后作者在小鼠模型上探究了AP-1阻断的治疗效果,显示存在着很好的治疗效果。Together, these results suggest that targeting AP-1 re- presents a feasible strategy to treat TAD by attenuating the phenotypic switch of SMCs.

- 找到一群“坏细胞”/疾病中比例变化比较大的细胞。
- 通过轨迹分析找了它的来源(当然SMC表型转变在夹层中起到破坏作用,这个大家都知道,所以这个数据在分析的时候的目的性也比较强)。
- 知道了来源之后就是做调控。这篇文献显示用了 细胞群差异性转录因子+SCENIC+转录因子在分化轨迹上的表达找到了AP-1。
- 然后再找的AP-1的上游。这里AP-1上游的OXPHOS以及再上游的TNF找法没什么问题,但是一定是结合了背景知识的,因为都是从细胞群的差异中挑的,理论上讲是不能确定上下游的。