Interview Questions Answered - 1

Interview Questions Answered - 1

作者: 他瑞Taurui | 来源:发表于2022-05-17 08:37 被阅读0次

What are your weaknesses?

Sample Answer 2:
~When I started my first job, I had trouble with procrastination. Even though I never missed a deadline, I found that procrastinating put me under unnecessary stress, and this hurt my enjoyment of the job. Fortunately, I realized the problem fairly quickly and did something about it.
~The first thing I did was to talk to my colleagues about how they managed their time effectively. I learned that many of them used project management software, which I also began to use. This type of program allowed me to set deadlines and benchmarks for the different tasks I had to do, and gave me reminders about how far along I should be on a given task. This helped with my planning and has made me more organized overall. Now, I use this type of planning for all of my major job tasks, and procrastination is no longer a problem for me.

procrastination – a tendency to delay doing things until the last minute; waiting until close to the deadline to complete something

She’s always saying that she’ll start on that new project tomorrow. Her procrastination is really becoming a problem.

stress – worry about one’s personal or professional problems

Be nice to Alison. She’s under a lot of stress at home because her mother is sick.

benchmark – a goal; a standard; the time or place when one’s performance and progress can be measured and evaluated against what is expected

The company tests all of its new employees and uses the results as a benchmark for their performance on the same test the next year.



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