FAB metrology

作者: Taofca | 来源:发表于2017-02-24 17:32 被阅读29次

    Semiconductor metrology is a critical discipline in the production of high performance, reliable metrology tools and devices. Whether verifying that a design will be manufacturable, characterizing a new process, or monitoring high-volume manufacturing processes, our comprehensive set of optical metrology solutions and tools, as well as analysis and process window optimization solutions, gives IC manufacturers the ability to maintain tight control of their processes.

    Overlay Metrology Solutions and Tools

    Archer Series: Overlay registration metrology solutions

    FAB metrology

    Archer 500LCM: Dual imaging- and scatterometry-based measurement modules provide high performance and cost-effective characterization of overlay error for advanced processes at the 2Xnm/1Xnm design nodes.

    Archer 500: Imaging-based overlay metrology system used for development and high volume manufacturing of advanced patterning processes at the 2Xnm/1Xnm design nodes.

    Optical CD Metrology Solutions and Tools

    SpectraShape: Optical critical-dimension (CD) and shape metrology solutions

    FAB metrology
    Film Thickness / Index Metrology Solutions and Tools

    SpectraFilm Family: Film thickness, refractive index (RI) and stress metrology tools for leading-edge applications

    Aleris Family: Film thickness, refractive index (RI), stress and composition metrology solutions for leading-edge applications

    Surfscan SPx: Integrated SURFmonitor metrology module provides full-wafer maps that correlate to film properties, for blanket films

    Wafer Metrology, Geometry and Topography Solutions

    WaferSight PWG: Wafer thickness, shape and flatness metrology solutions

    FAB metrology

    Surfscan SPx: Integrated SURFmonitor metrology module indicates sub-Angstrom surface topography variation on blanket films and bare substrates

    Implant and Anneal Metrology Solutions

    ThermaProbe: Implant and anneal metrology solutions

    Surface Profiling Solutions

    HRP-x50: Automated, stylus-based wafer surface profilers for topographic surface metrology


    RS-x00: Sheet resistance mapping solutions

    Reticle Pattern Placement Metrology Solutions and Tools

    IPRO Series: Reticle pattern placement metrology solutions

    All Surface Inspection and Metrology Tools

    CIRCL:  Inspection, metrology and review cluster solutions for all wafer surfaces

    Data Management Tools

    5D Analyzer: Advanced data analysis solution supporting a wide range of metrology systems

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