Songyang Academy
As one part of the Dengfeng the“Center of Heaven and Earth” Historic Monuments,the Songyang Academy is the national 4-A level tourist attraction and the national key relics-protection site.Songyang Academy is located at the southern slope ofMt.Taishi ,the south side also means the “Yang" in ancient times, so hence the name.The Songyang Academy was first built in484AD.(in the Northern Wel Dynasty) as the name of the SongyangTemple.itwaschangedinto apiace for Taoism n605AD.(in the Sui Dynasty).It was given the present name in1035AD.in the NorthernSong Dynasty by the emperor Renzong.it once a high grade college in ancient times and the top of the four ancientacademies in the Northern Song Dynasty.Also was the center for spreading theConfucianism.Manyfamousscholarslike FanZhongyan,Sima Guang,Chong Hao,Cheng YI,Zhu Xi,Li Gang,Fan Chunren and so on used to give lectures here in history.The 9th to21th chapter of famous book “Tzu-chih T'ung-chien”(ZiZhiTongJian)of Sima Guang were completed here.And the moving story "Standing in the Snow forLearningConfucianism”(chengMenLiXue) happened here.The Songyang Academy was destoryed in the war in the MingDynasty,restored manytimes.Now the Songyang Academy still keep the style of Qing Dynasty. There are over 500 rooms here composed of five parts-the Entrancethe Gate).the Sage Hall,the Lecture Hall,the Memorial Hall of Great Ancestors and the Hall for Confucian Scriptures.it has a irreplaceable significance for doingresearchin ancientacademyarchitecture. Education system and the Confucian culture.