一 words & expressions
1.The resulting memory and navigational skills are short of astonishing, and so London taxi drivers have proved irresistible to psychologists.
resulting:caused by the event or situation which you have just mentioned因而发生的;作为结果的
例句:The tape was left near a magnetic source, and the resulting damage was considerable.
造句:He murdered a man, and the resulting expense was in jail.
irresistible:impossible to refuse, oppose or avoid because too pleasant, attractive or strong不可抗拒的,无法抵挡的
造句:These crests everywhere when combined with the City of London's age and wealth and quasi-independent status make it an irresistible temptation for conspiracy nuts.
2. There is a growing body of evidence that both the structure and the fuction of the brain change in response to various sorts of mental training.
body of :a large amount or mass of something, especially something that has been collected大量的某物
body of knowledge/evidence/opinion etc
造句:There is a growing body of evidence that crime rate is on the rise.
3. unfathomable memory and processing power, can only vaguely approximate.
unfathomable:too strange or mysterious to be understood莫测高深的,难以理解的
例句:For some unfathomable reason they built the toilet next to the kitchen.
造句:It will signal what is left after the hubris of Iraq and unfathomable complexities of Afghanistan.
二 thoughts&summary&background information

visual cortex视表层的例子也说明我们通过练习来改变大脑结构,提高相关的