invite 除了我们都知道的邀请,还有个意思是 make sth. bad more likely to happen,“招致某个不好的事情”。
其实 encourage 也有个类似的意思,make sth. more likely to happen,不同在于sth. 可能是好事,也可能是坏事。
1. 翻译:崔永元的激进行为和大胆评论招致了很多麻烦。
Cui Yongyuan's radical behavior has invited much trouble.
2. 情景:范冰冰的偷税行为给她招致了很多麻烦。
Fan Bingbing's tax evasion has invited much trouble. After disappearing for more than three months, she apologized on Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, saying she will accept all the decisions made by tax authorities.