Leon and Amy:
凡事只要有开始,就必然会有结局。Everything that has a beginning, has an end. 开始,begin, beginning. 结束、结局,end.
时间已经过了很久了。It's been a long time. 长,long. 短,short.
能教你们的我都已经教了。I've taught you what I can teach. 教,teach, taught.
是时候说再见了。It's time to say goodbye.
我们都是彼此的匆匆过客。We are just hurried passangers for each other. 匆匆,hurry, hurried. 过客,passanger.
记住几个学习要点,好好运用。Remember a few learning points and use them well. 记住,remember. 要点,point. 运用,use.
把时间放在什么地方,收获就在那里。Where to put your time, the harvest is there. 哪里,where. 那里,there. 收获,harvest.
耐心点,果实会慢慢成熟的。 Be patient, the fruit will be ripe slowly. 耐心,patient, patience. 果实,fruit. 成熟,ripe, ripen. 慢慢, slow, slowly.
照顾好你自己。Take good care of yourself.
我们很快会再次相遇的。We'll meet again soon. 很快,soon. 相遇,meet.
不要害羞,尽管尝试。Don't be shy, just try. 害羞,shy. 尝试,try.
我相信你们之前的问题,现在都找到答案了。I believe that your questions before, now have been answered. 相信,believe. 问题, question. 之前,before. 答案,answer.
这不是结束,这甚至不是结束的开始,不过也许这是开始的结束。Now this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
P.S.:下周开始,我们的课程就会进行改版。具体内容是《新概念英语1》 的课文内容和音频,加上我对课文的讲解,主要是音频。换句话说,以后的课程会以音频为主,每节课的音频也很简短,大概就是一两分钟。《新概念英语1》我已经买好了,这应该是我第二次还是第三次买了。你们可以自行买一本,注意是教材,不是练习册。就这样吧,再见。