

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2017-11-18 19:49 被阅读0次

    Wrongfully imprisoned for 31 years, Lawrence McKinney seeks exoneration



    DECEMBER 23, 2016 —Lawrence McKinney served more than 31 years in prison – for a crime he did not commit. Now, he’s trying one last time to formally clear his name.
    2016年12月26日 --劳伦斯·麦金尼含冤入狱了31年多的时间。现在,他正再一次试图证明自己的清白。

    In 1978, the victim of a gang rape identified Mr. McKinney in court as one of her attackers. Then-22-year-old McKinney, who lived near the victim’s Memphis, Tenn., apartment, where the attack took place, was convicted and sentenced to 100 years in prison. His co-defendant was also handed a jail sentence. Three decades later, DNA tests of the woman’s bed sheets identified stains from three people, including the victim and the co-defendant – but not McKinney. His conviction was vacated, the charges against him were dismissed, and he was released in July 2009.

    Since then, McKinney has been fighting to be formally exonerated. With exoneration would come the final clearing of his name, and the opportunity to be compensated for the time he was wrongfully imprisoned. But exoneration currently looks unlikely: The Tennessee parole board voted against recommending the move to Gov. Bill Haslam, and the governor has yet to exonerate anyone.
    此后,麦金尼走上了正式申请洗冤平反的道路。洗冤平反最终才能证明自身清白,并有机会为麦金尼的含冤入狱获得赔偿。但目前看来,洗冤平反不太可能实现:田纳西假释委员会投票反对向州长比尔·哈斯拉姆(Bill Haslam)提案,州长也尚未宣布对任何人洗冤平反。"

    All I ask is that I be treated right and fair for what has happened to me," McKinney told CNN. "I didn't do nothing, and I just want to be treated right."

    Even after McKinney was released and the charges vacated, it took him another five years to clear his name, according to the Innocence Project. If he were officially exonerated, Tennessee law states that McKinney could be eligible for $1 million in compensation. McKinney, who received just a $75 check from the Tennessee Department of Corrections when he was released, has been working odd jobs at his church to pay the bills, CBS News reported.

    The compensation money might help McKinney continue on the path he has forged for himself since his release. In 2010, he married his wife, who had been a pen pal during his time in prison, CNN reported. He plans to become a preacher, inspiring others with his own story of endurance in prison, a fellow parishioner wrote on a Change.org petition calling for his exoneration.“With my situation, I feel like people could get the hope to make it through anything,” McKinney told parishioner Jared Felkins for the petition, which has amassed 11,400 signatures.
    赔偿金可能会帮助麦金尼继续行进在他自释放后所开创的道路上。据美国有线电视新闻网社报道,2010年,他迎娶了在狱中服刑时认识的笔友为妻。他打算将来能成为一名牧师,用在狱中的亲身隐忍经历来激励他人。一名教区居民在Change.org请愿,为麦金尼洗冤平反。“就我的情况来看,我觉得人们有获得梦想成真的希望,”麦金尼在谈起请愿书时对教区居民Jared Felkins说道。目前,该请愿书已获得到11400个签名。

    But McKinney still faces an uphill battle to achieve exoneration. The Tennessee Board of Parole, which makes exoneration recommendations to the governor, has twice recommended against it – first in 2010, and again, unanimously, in September."After considering all of the evidence, the board did not find clear and convincing evidence of innocence and declined to recommend clemency in this matter,” explained Melissa McDonald, spokesperson for the Tennessee Board of Parole, to CNN.不过,要获取洗冤平反,麦金尼仍面临一场艰苦抗争。田纳西州假释委员会有向州长提议洗冤平反的权利,但该委员会均于2010年和2016年9月拒绝了麦金尼洗冤平反的申请。“在对所有证据分析后,我们尚未找到确凿并令人信服的无罪证据,因此拒绝对此案给出宽大处理的提议,”田纳西州假释委员会发言人梅丽莎·麦当娜对美国有线电视新闻网解释说。

    Possibly playing into that decision, McKinney’s pastor John Hunn told CNN, was a list of infractions McKinney reportedly committed while in jail, including the alleged assault of another inmate."Lawrence has told that story at our church," said Pastor Hunn, who testified on McKinney's behalf. "He doesn't deny that story. He was in prison, man."

     Without the parole board’s recommendation, Governor Haslam can still exonerate McKinney. However, Haslam has yet to exonerate anyone. There have been just two exonerations in Tennessee in the past 16 years, both just before the end of former governor Phil Bredesen’s term in 2011.没有假释委员会的提议,哈斯拉姆州长也有洗冤平反麦金尼的权利。不过,哈斯拉姆尚未宣布对任何人洗冤平反。在过去16年中,田纳西州只有两件洗冤平反的案例,均发生在前州长Phil Bredesen于2011年任期结束前。

    Nevertheless, McKinney’s attorney remains hopeful.“There has been one mistake made that sent him to prison. I trust that another is not made that does not allow him exoneration,” said Jack Lowery, according to CBS News.



