

作者: 译文驿站 | 来源:发表于2017-05-22 21:32 被阅读0次



(美国)朱丽亚·布里兹  王志成(编译)











Apologize to the youngest daughter

Julia Blitz

Home to the guests, at dinner, four year old daughter Linda will eat half of the Caribbean shrimp spit on the floor, and even shouting bad taste. The Caribbean sea shrimp is today to buy, all eat, and no smell, but the daughter called taste is not good, I think, it is certain that she made a "Crazy", deliberately mischievous. In front of so many guests uncivilized, I angrily reached out and gave her a slap. At that time, although Linda did not cry, but tears like broken wire beads down.

After dinner, the guests left, I will not speak to his daughter Karen wife. Karen said this thing is not to blame her daughter, blame her. Originally, some shrimp night leftover forget the fridge this morning, his wife bought shrimp in cooking, he will be a few leftover shrimp yesterday put in, daughter to eat shrimp is certainly left yesterday.

It is indeed my daughter wronged.

In the evening, Linda got home from the kindergarten, early to noon reluctantly forgotten, but I've been worried: usually the child does something wrong, we shouted, even corporal punishment, let her admit, but we do parents wronged child, that is it? After dinner, I called Linda into the study, in front of her mother's face, to recognize Linda wrong, please forgive her father. Thoughtful daughter said: "I have been waiting for you to apologize? You finally apologized for being an honest father."

Parents have the obligation to discipline their children, the child did something wrong, have the responsibility to criticize education, and sometimes it may be a little strict. However, on the personality of the parents and children are equal, the child has self-esteem. When parents inadvertently wronged child, should be sincere when facing the children to admit mistakes, obtain the children's understanding. This will not only damage the parents in the eyes of the child's prestige and dignity, but also through the emotional exchange of equality, will be more harmonious relationship between children and their parents, so that children can enhance the concept of right and wrong.

Of course, parents face to face childish child apology, needs a bit of courage; "I said to Karen," but, in order to establish a harmonious relationship between our parents and children, let Linda grow up in a healthy and civilized family environment, we have to do this."

In this regard, his wife Karen also agreed.


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