Atomic Habits书评

作者: 失落的艺术 | 来源:发表于2023-08-29 00:59 被阅读0次


    本书作者James Clear,美国企业家。整本书分为三大部分,第一部分提出自己的成果——atomic habits,第二部分进行细致讲解4个steps,第三部分介绍了4个advanced tactics.

    第一部分作者以自己经历引出The power of atomic habits,然后给我们总体介绍了一个习惯或行为的2个阶段,4个步骤:在Problem Phase的Cue和Craving,在Solution Phase的Response和Reward。根据这4个步骤,我们可以依次实施一些tricks来有意识地养成好习惯。对于好的习惯,我们可以Make it obvious, Make it attracitve, Make it easy, Make it satisfying。相反,对于恶习,我们同样可以Make it invisible, Make it unattracive, Make it difficult, Make it unsatisfying.


    在Cue部分,我们make it obvious。作者通过一女医生的直觉最终及时治疗了岳父的心脏病为例,说明了我们的习惯是无意识的,只要重复多次后某一行为会自动发生,我们要有意识的去注意那些经常性的行为,通过用Habits Scorecard来记录自己的习惯,用Implementation intentions来定位行为,通过Habit stacking这个trick来进行操作。

    在Craving部分,我们make it attractive。作者通过海鸥雏鸟看到红点的反应和灰雁将圆球滚到自己的巢穴为例,说明,我们人类自己和他们类似,有着原始的最初反应,例如盐,糖,脂肪。而这些反应对应着不同程度的多巴胺,我们可以利用多巴胺分泌的4个过程来进行进行习惯养成,例如用temptation bundling来进行。还可以通过imitate the close, the many, the powerful来很好的刺激我们的欲望和行动。

    在Response部分,我们make it easy。作者通过教授让两组学生进行一学期的摄影练习,最终得出,我们不要光motion最重要的是action。motion让人有种错觉,逃避困难,而action才能带来结果。action很简单,就是不断地重复小动作,通过不断的repetition从A到B最终到达habit line之上的C点。在这一过程中,action需要energy,我们需要尽量减少friction。作者用美洲农耕和水管流水为例,给我们讲解不要用意志和蛮力,要尽量通过减少步骤来做出回应,可以用Two-Minutes Rule这个trick来降低自我心理压力,用APP等软件来自动记录我们的行为数据。

    在Reward部分,我们make it satisfying。作者通过一个公共健康工作者如何让住在巴基斯坦贫民窟中的当地人用肥皂洗手,提高卫生的案例,以及根据time inconsistency理论说明任何行为只要能获得即时满足,我们就会重复它。可是它同样有一个致命的缺点,那就是我们很容易陷入即时满足中,立马得到了回报,可未来的结果却往往有害,所以我们要Delay gratification, Use reinforcement, Use a habit tracker, and Never miss twice.



    1.好习惯和坏习惯的分野是能不能reninforce your desired identity

    The labels "good habit" and "bad habit" are slightly inaccurate. There are no good habits or bad habits. There are only effective habits. That is, effective at solving problems. All habits serve you in some way-even the bad ones-which is why you repeat them. For this exercise, categorize your habits by how they will benefit you in the long run. Generally speaking, good habits will have net positive outcomes. Bad habits have net negative outcomes. Smoking a cigarette may reduce stress right now (that's how it's serving you), but it's not a healthy long-term behavior.

    Does this behavior help me become the type of person I wish to be? Does this habit cast a vote for or against my desired identity? Habits that reinforce your desired identity are usually good. Habits that conflict with your desired identity are usually bad.

    2. 用时间和空间来提示一个习惯。I will [behavior] at [time] in [location].

    The cues that can trigger a habit come in a wide range of forms-the feel of your phone buzzing in your pocket, the smell of chocolate chip cookies, the sound of ambulance sirens-but the two most common cues are time and location. Implementation intentions leverage both of these cues.

    Give your habits a time and a space to live in the world. The goal is to make the time and location so obvious that, with enough repetition, you get an urge to do the right thing at the right time, even if you can't say why.

    3. 用Diderot Effect理论进行habit stacking。

    After [current habit], I will [new habit].

    4. 新环境更能培养习惯。

    The cues that trigger a habit can start out very specific, but over time your habits become associated not with a single trigger but with the entire context surrounding the behavior.

    It is easier to build new habits in a new environment because you are not fighting against old cues.

    5. 当习惯成自然后,Cue一出现,我们的多巴胺释就会开始释放,然后促使我们开始行动,最后得到奖赏,而不是得到奖赏后多巴胺才释放。

    It is the anticipation of a reward--not the fulfillment of it--that gets us to take action.

    6. 每个习惯其实都是一个阻碍。

    In a sense, every habit is just an obstacle to getting what you really want. Dieting is an obstacle to getting fit. Meditation is an obstacle to feeling calm. Journaling is an obstacle to thinking clearly. You don’t actually want the habit itself. What you really want is the outcome the habit delivers. The greater the obstacle—that is, the more difficult the habit—the more friction there is between you and your desired end state. This is why it is crucial to make your habits so easy that you’ll do them even when you don’t feel like it. If you can make your good habits more convenient, you’ll be more likely to follow through on them.

    7. 行为并没有改变,而是接受了一个习惯。

    I see the goal of handwashing promotion not as behavior change but as habit adoption,” Luby said. “It is a lot easier for people to adopt a product that provides a strong positive sensory signal, for example the mint taste of toothpaste, than it is to adopt a habit that does not provide pleasurable sensory feedback, like flossing one’s teeth.

    8. Habit stacking 和 Reinforcement有异曲同工之妙。

    Habit stacking, which we covered in Chapter 5, ties your habit to an immediate cue, which makes it obvious when to start. Reinforcement ties your habit to an immediate reward, which makes it satisfying when you finish.**

    9. Habit tracking的好处。

    In summary, habit tracking (1) creates a visual cue that can remind you to act, (2) is inherently motivating because you see the progress you are making and don’t want to lose it, and (3) feels satisfying whenever you record another successful instance of your habit. Furthermore, habit tracking provides visual proof that you are casting votes for the type of person you wish to become, which is a delightful form of immediate and intrinsic gratification.

    10. 如何成为大师?

    • The upside of habits is that we can do things without thinking. The downside is that we stop paying attention to little errors.
    • Habits + Deliberate Practice = Mastery
    • Reflection and review is a process that allows you to remain conscious of your performance over time.
    • The tighter we cling to an identity, the harder it becomes to grow beyond it.


    1. 每章结束都有个Chapter Summary,这个部分好不错。在这部分,作者用几句话就点出了这章具体说了什么内容,再看第二遍时,这就部分就相当于一个一个的索引,帮助回顾和复习。

    2. 每个步骤结束,作者都给出了两个互相对照的表格,how to create good habits, how to break a bad habit.


    有点巧的是,上一本书看的是The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People。如果Atomic habits讲的是技巧的话,那7个习惯这本书讲的是内功。西哲上说认识论,方法论,中国哲学讲道和术,例如道德经,上篇讲道经,下篇讲德经。甚至金庸先生的作品里也多次隐喻,比如心法对应《九阴真经》和技法对应各种掌法,爪法,拳法的有形武功,例如降龙十八掌,九阴白骨爪,左右互搏空明拳。

    接下来,还得再次看看The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,然后总结一下,继而马上看看刻意练习的英文版Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise



        本文标题:Atomic Habits书评
