Shader Reference
Shaders in Unity can be written in one of three different ways:
assurface shaders,
asvertex and fragment shaders and
asfixed function shaders.
Theshader tutorial can guide you on choosing the right type for your needs.
Regardless of which type you choose, the actual meat of the shader code will always be wrapped in a language called ShaderLab, which is used to organize the shader structure. It looks like this:
Shader "MyShader" {
Properties { _MyTexture ("My Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
// other properties like colors or vectors go here as well //其他属性如颜色或向量 }
SubShader {
// here goes the 'meat' of your
// - surface shader or
// - vertex and program shader or
// - fixed function shader
/ /这里写内容
/ / - 表面着色 或
/ / - 顶点和程序着色 或
/ / - 固定功能着色
SubShader {
// here goes a simpler version of the SubShader above than can run on older graphics cards
/ /可以运行在旧的显卡的着色器
We recommend that you start by reading about some basic concepts of the ShaderLab syntax in the sections listed below and then to move on to read about surface shaders or vertex and fragment shaders in other sections. Since fixed function shaders are written using ShaderLab only, you will find more information about them in the ShaderLab reference itself.
The reference below includes plenty of examples for the different types of shaders. For even more examples of surface shaders in particular, you can get the source of Unity's built-in shaders from theResources section. Unity'sImage Effects package contains a lot of interesting vertex and fragment shaders.
Read on for shader reference, and check out theshader tutorial as well!
ShaderLab syntax: Shader
ShaderLab syntax: Properties
ShaderLab syntax: SubShader
ShaderLab syntax: Pass
ShaderLab syntax: Color, Material, Lighting
ShaderLab syntax: Culling & Depth Testing
ShaderLab syntax: Texturing
ShaderLab syntax: Fog
ShaderLab syntax: Alpha testing
ShaderLab syntax: Blending
ShaderLab syntax: Pass Tags
ShaderLab syntax: Name
ShaderLab syntax: BindChannels
ShaderLab syntax: UsePass
ShaderLab syntax: GrabPass
ShaderLab syntax: SubShader Tags
ShaderLab syntax: Fallback
ShaderLab syntax: other commands
Writing Surface Shaders
Surface Shader Examples
Custom Lighting models in Surface Shaders
Surface Shader Lighting Examples
Writing vertex and fragment shaders
Accessing shader properties in Cg
Providing vertex data to vertex programs
Built-in state variables in shader programs
GLSL Shader Programs
Advanced ShaderLab topics
Unity's Rendering Pipeline
Performance Tips when Writing Shaders
Rendering with Replaced Shaders
Using Depth Textures
Camera's Depth Texture
Platform Specific Rendering Differences
Shader Level of Detail
ShaderLab builtin values