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作者: 收纳箱 | 来源:发表于2020-02-27 10:10 被阅读0次
  • 摘要:


  • keywords:证书过期、远程、命令行、导入p12




1.1 问题

  • 要是选择了"Deny"怎么办?

    1. 打开钥匙串App
    2. 点登录和我的证书
    3. 找到iPhone Developer:XXX@XXX(XXX)的证书,右击删除
    4. 重新打开Xcode编译并运行Command+R,会再次弹出codesign的权限弹框,输入Mac开机密码并点始终允许即可。
  • 现在是远程控制没有图形界面怎么办?

2. 终端操作

  • 远程登录

    ssh user_name@ip
  • security命令

    现在的需求就是/usr/bin/codesign在执行的时候能访问钥匙串中p12的私钥。目前有两种解决办法,都需要用到security命令。输入security -h即可参看帮助文档。

help                                 Show all commands, or show usage for a command.
list-keychains                       Display or manipulate the keychain search list.
list-smartcards                      Display available smartcards.
default-keychain                     Display or set the default keychain.
login-keychain                       Display or set the login keychain.
create-keychain                      Create keychains and add them to the search list.
delete-keychain                      Delete keychains and remove them from the search list.
lock-keychain                        Lock the specified keychain.
unlock-keychain                      Unlock the specified keychain.
set-keychain-settings                Set settings for a keychain.
set-keychain-password                Set password for a keychain.
show-keychain-info                   Show the settings for keychain.
dump-keychain                        Dump the contents of one or more keychains.
create-keypair                       Create an asymmetric key pair.
add-generic-password                 Add a generic password item.
add-internet-password                Add an internet password item.
add-certificates                     Add certificates to a keychain.
find-generic-password                Find a generic password item.
delete-generic-password              Delete a generic password item.
set-generic-password-partition-list  Set the partition list of a generic password item.
find-internet-password               Find an internet password item.
delete-internet-password             Delete an internet password item.
set-internet-password-partition-list Set the partition list of a internet password item.
find-key                             Find keys in the keychain
set-key-partition-list               Set the partition list of a key.
find-certificate                     Find a certificate item.
find-identity                        Find an identity (certificate + private key).
delete-certificate                   Delete a certificate from a keychain.
delete-identity                      Delete an identity (certificate + private key) from a keychain.
set-identity-preference              Set the preferred identity to use for a service.
get-identity-preference              Get the preferred identity to use for a service.
create-db                            Create a db using the DL.
export                               Export items from a keychain.
import                               Import items into a keychain.
export-smartcard                     Export items from a smartcard.
cms                                  Encode or decode CMS messages.
install-mds                          Install (or re-install) the MDS database.
add-trusted-cert                     Add trusted certificate(s).
remove-trusted-cert                  Remove trusted certificate(s).
dump-trust-settings                  Display contents of trust settings.
user-trust-settings-enable           Display or manipulate user-level trust settings.
trust-settings-export                Export trust settings.
trust-settings-import                Import trust settings.
verify-cert                          Verify certificate(s).
authorize                            Perform authorization operations.
authorizationdb                      Make changes to the authorization policy database.
execute-with-privileges              Execute tool with privileges.
leaks                                Run /usr/bin/leaks on this process.
error                                Display a descriptive message for the given error code(s).
create-filevaultmaster-keychain      Create a keychain containing a key pair for FileVault recovery use.
smartcards                           Enable, disable or list disabled smartcard tokens.
translocate-create                   Create a translocation point for the provided path
translocate-policy-check             Check whether a path would be translocated.
translocate-status-check             Check whether a path is translocated.
translocate-original-path            Find the original path for a translocated path.
requirement-evaluate                 Evaluate a requirement against a cert chain.

2.1 方式①

  • 找到Keychain默认路径

    security default-keychain
  • 解锁Keychain

    security unlock-keychain -p $pwd ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
  • 导入p12证书

    security import $p12_file_path -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db -P $p12_pwd
  • 打包代码中,在执行xcodebuild前执行security unlock-keychain

    security unlock-keychain -p $pwd ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
    xcodebuild clean -workspace $BUILD_TARGET.xcworkspace -scheme $BUILD_SCHEME -configuration $BUILD_CONFIG
    xcodebuild archive -workspace $BUILD_TARGET.xcworkspace -scheme $BUILD_SCHEME -configuration $BUILD_CONFIG -UseModernBuildSystem=NO 2>$BUILD_ERROR_LOG DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING=YES

2.2 方式②

security import
Usage: import inputfile [-k keychain] [-t type] [-f format] [-w] [-P passphrase] [options...]
    -k  Target keychain to import into
    -t  Type = pub|priv|session|cert|agg
    -f  Format = openssl|openssh1|openssh2|bsafe|raw|pkcs7|pkcs8|pkcs12|netscape|pemseq
    -w  Specify that private keys are wrapped and must be unwrapped on import
    -x  Specify that private keys are non-extractable after being imported
    -P  Specify wrapping passphrase immediately (default is secure passphrase via GUI)
    -a  Specify name and value of extended attribute (can be used multiple times)
    -A  Allow any application to access the imported key without warning (insecure, not recommended!)
    -T  Specify an application which may access the imported key (multiple -T options are allowed)
Use of the -P option is insecure

    Import items into a keychain.

我们发现security import方法中可以提供完全-A和部分应用-T的访问权限。

security unlock-keychain -p pwd ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
security import $p12_file_path -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db -P $pwd -T /usr/bin/codesign
  • 关键操作:set-key-partition-list命令
    OS X 10.12.5 Sierra之后,苹果添加了Keychain忽略访问控制设置和UI提示以获得许可(security / codesign in Sierra: Keychain ignores access control settings and UI-prompts for permission),所以要求配置partition list,作为 ACL(Access Control Lists)的补充,根据应用签名,对访问进行权限控制。参考资料
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple: -s -k $pwd ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db


  • -S:提供的访问权限,多个 key 用逗号分隔。苹果的工具可以用 apple-tool:,apple:,如 codesign 就可以设置这两个 key。
  • -s:指定用于 codesign 的 private key。
  • -k:修改 partition list 需要提供钥匙串密码。

所以以上的命令作用为:给 login.keychain中用于codesign的 private key,写入苹果产品的权限。

注意:set-key-partition-lis 对 key 的操作是重写,不是追加。

  • 附上set-key-partition-list的使用说明
Usage: set-key-partition-list [options...] [keychain]
    -a  Match "application label" string
    -c  Match "creator" (four-character code)
    -d  Match keys that can decrypt
    -D  Match "description" string
    -e  Match keys that can encrypt
    -j  Match "comment" string
    -l  Match "label" string
    -r  Match keys that can derive
    -s  Match keys that can sign
    -t  Type of key to find: one of "symmetric", "public", or "private"
    -u  Match keys that can unwrap
    -v  Match keys that can verify
    -w  Match keys that can wrap
    -S  Comma-separated list of allowed partition IDs
    -k  password for keychain (required)
    If no keychains are specified to search, the default search list is used.
    Set the partition list of a key.


  • 利用终端远程导入p12证书


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