35.a warning regarding the use of words
36.the word
phrase to learn
admonish:to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism责备 告诫
— often + for
exhort: to try to influence (someone) by words or advice : to strongly urge (someone) to do something劝告
reprove:责备 to criticize or correct (someone) usually in a gentle way
rebuke:to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone)斥责
reprimand:to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone who has done something wrong, disobeyed an order, etc.)斥责
— often + for
37. what 'literary english' means?
并不是一定要要文雅(distinctly elegant sort of English)的用法才是literacy English,一般受过高等教育的英国人美国人用的都是,也并不意味着口语(colloquial English)不能用在写作上。
phrase to learn
colloquial English 口语
figurative expressions 比喻的表达