

作者: 书中的电脑 | 来源:发表于2021-04-13 09:53 被阅读0次

    1. 谓语主格的定义

    1.1 第一种定义

    一个名词或者名词短语,可能会出现在某种不及物动词或被动动词之后,或者可能将某种不及物动词或被动动词的含义补充完整,且仍然与这个动词的主语一样,表示同样的人或事物,则称这个名词或名词短语称为谓语主格(the predicate nominative),又称为谓语性名词(predicate noun),或谓语性名词短语。

    例如,在句子中,“The author of this book is my brother,”“brother”是述语(predicate),但是它不是动词的宾语,因为动词“is”判定“author”和“brother”是等效的,同于“author”是主格,“brother”也必须是一样是主格。我们可以说,“The author of this book is I”(主格),不是“is me”(注意格)。


    (1). Tennyson is a poet.


    (2). Washington was elected present in 1789.

    present……………………..普通名词,单数,性为男性,主格——位于动词“was elected”之后的谓语主格。


    (1). And , Saxon , I am Roderick Dhu .

    (2). The earth is a planet.

    (3). Mary still seemed a queen ( = was a queen in seeming, or appearance ).

    (4). King William of Prussia became Emperor of Germany in 1871 .

    (5). He was a man , take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.

    1.2 第二种定义

    谓语主格(predicate nominative),又称为谓语名词(predicate noun),是名词或代词的传统语法术语,或者跟在连系助动词之后的名义上的主语,通常使用动词“to be”连接,谓语主格的当代术语称为主语补语(subject complement)。 在正式英语中,充当谓语主格的代词通常是主格(subjective case),例如,I, we, he, she and they。而在非正式口语和写作中,这样的代词通常是宾格,例如,me,us, him, her 和them。也有观点认为,如果你认为连系助动词可以作为等价的符号,则跟在它后面的部分就是谓语主格如果你将谓语主格与主语切换位置,它仍然有意义谓语主格与“to be”动词连用,其结果就是,回答了“是什么,或者谁在做什么”这样的问题。因此,除了谓语主格是连系助动词的主语,谓语主格可以等价于直接宾语。

    1.3 第三种定义


    1.4 对以上定义的理解


    1.5 判断方法和注意事项

    (1) 谓语主格不能跟在动作性动词之后,因为唯一能跟在动作性动词之后的名词是充当间接的,或者直接的宾语。

    (2) 并非所有跟在连系助动词之后的词汇都是谓语主格,谓语主格始终是名词或代词,并重命名主语。连系助动词分为以下几类:

    a. “to be”动词(以各种格式出现,例如,am, are, is, was, were, will be, has been, have been)。

    b. 感官动词(“sense”verbs)(例如,to feel, to look, to smell, to taste, to sound,等等)。

    c. 状态动词(“status”verbs),(即相对于动作性动词而言,动词既表示动作,也表示某种发展变化的状态,例如,to appear, to become, to continue, to grow, to seem, to turn,等等)。

    你可能已注意到,很多跟在连系助动词之后的词汇是形容词,对主语进行描述或说明,即谓语性形容词(predicate adjective),即紧跟在谓语之后对主语进行描述的形容词,所以很多语法书上将谓语性形容词译为“表语”有点词不达意,偏离了语法原本的含义,让人匪夷所思,“表”是什么意思?表达?代表?表意?能起表达含义的语份成分太多了,为什么要译成这么外名称?。


    · John is brilliant. (John才华横溢。)


    · It feels great.



    · The sea is dangerous.


    · The sea is a danger.

    名词 a danger 是谓语主格。

    2. 一些例子加深理解

    2.1 “to be”动词之后的谓语主格例子,加粗部分表示“to be”动词,斜体部分表示谓语主格

    · I am now acting president of the corporation.

    · Wind turbines are a renewable source of power.

    · Many people's favorite movie genre is action or drama.

    · Mario Garcia has been councilman for five years.

    · A teenager's favorite food must be hot dogs.

    · My homes have been a basement apartment, a trailer, and a house.

    · Dinner can be whatever you find in the refrigerator.

    · Kathy has been my neighbor since I moved in.

    · J. K. Rowling may be one of the best writers ever.

    · Rhonda used to be the tallest girl in her class.

    · An honest man should have been the leader of the country.

    · At the end of the tournament, my daughter was the leader.

    · He is a real help to his mother.

    · Before the competition, they were the favorites to win.

    · Pavarotti was a wonderful tenor.

    · BMWs and Mercedes are luxury cars.

    · For many of us on the team, the fans were an embarrassment.

    · When I was younger, my favorite pastime was reading.

    · Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first astronauts to walk in the moon.

    2.2 状态动词(非动作动词)之后的谓语主格例子

    · You seem upset.

    · Why does she appear so upset?

    · I would like to remain anonymous.

    · The soup smells good.

    · Her new song sounds rather sad.

    · Her new soup tastes horrific.

    · Mary still seemed a queen ( = was a queen in seeming, or appearance ).

    2.3 名词短语作谓语主格的例子

    · The new law is an opportunity and a risk.

    名词短语an opportunity and a risk作为谓语主格。

    · I will be your employer, your friend, and your uncle.

    名词短语your employer, your friend, and your uncle.作为谓语主格。

    2.4 应用谓语主格的名句

    · "Today is a king in disguise."

    — Ralph Waldo Emerson

    · "We are the world / We are the children / We are the ones who make a brighter day."

    — "We Are the World" 由Michael Jackson 和 Lionel Richie所作

    · "I am the king of the world!"

    — Jack Dawson, Titanic



